Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Title
Now showing items 75-94 of 559
Causality, Prediction, and Replicability in Applied Statistics: Advanced Models and Practices
(2019-07-11)Statistical tools to analyze research data are widely applied in many scientific disciplines and the need for adequate statistical models and sound statistical analyses is apparent. This thesis addresses limitations in ... -
City on the Move: Migration, Public Culture, and Urban Identity in Delhi, c. 1911-present
(2023-06-20)This dissertation examines the formations and political implications of neighbourhood histories, and the central role of public historical narratives and memories in producing a normative “local community” that structures ... -
Classification and Analysis of Management and Marketing Data
(2010-06-18)This work investigates and provides examples of effective methods of statistical analysis for strategic decision making, specifically in managerial and marketing applications. The particular motivation is to bridge the ... -
Climate change mitigation and economic development
(2022-06-03)Anthropogenic climate change, caused by greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, will have negative if not catastrophic consequences for the livelihoods of many across the globe. With the Paris Agreement in 2015, most countries ... -
Closer to the self while far from home
(2022-01-04)This dissertation explores the changing identity and sense of belonging of a group of master’s students from the People’s Republic of China during their stay in Germany. Its main purpose is to understand how the students ... -
Comparative Research on the Motivations, Influential Factors, and Current Status of Lifelong Learning in China and Germany
(2016-03-11)This study focuses on comparative research on the lifelong learning motivations and influential factors in China and Germany. As lifelong learning is a widely recognized system, which possesses international importance, ... -
Competitiveness and Trade Policy Problems in Agricultural Exports
(2006-09-05)Competitiveness has been considered merely a buzzword by some scholars because of the lack of consensus over its seemingly catch-all definition. However, policy makers and business people ... -
Concepts on How to Help Prevent or Solve Conflicts in Africa. The Case of the Cameroon-Nigerian Border Conflict
(2007-02-19)The aim is this study is to come up with new proposals as to how to solve or prevent conflicts in Africa. The focus is on border conflicts and more specifically on the Cameroon-Nigeria ... -
Considerations of Efficiency and Distributive Justice in Multidimensional Poverty Measurement
(2014-02-18)From the nineteen-eighties onwards, Amartya Sen developed a new welfare theory: the capability approach (Sen, 1979; 1985; 1992; 1999; 2009). Capabilities and functionings, i.e. what persons are actually able to do and be, ... -
Constraints to informal entrepreneurs in developing countries
(2013-10-23)This thesis aims to narrow the research gap on informal enterprises, contributing to both the academic and policy debates. It provides empirical evidence related to two key questions: how much potential do informal firms ... -
Contractual Relationships in the Absence of Formal Enforcement: Experimental Evidence from Germany and Kenya
(2015-07-31)This dissertation consists of three experimental studies that aim at contributing to a better understanding of behavior within contractual relationships—in particular, if information asymmetries, incentive issues and a ... -
Contributions to statistical modelling of high-frequency financial data with applications to Frankfurt Stock Exchange
(2012-03-22)This dissertation is concerned with the forecasting performance of time series models for the price movements of high-frequency transaction data on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. The availability of high quality data of ... -
Convergence or Divergence in the EMU?
(2018-05-16)The past decade has dramatically shaped the European economic landscape. After the global financial and economic crisis of 2008/09 hit the continent, the southern European periphery exemplified by Greece experienced a ... -
Corporate Governance, Information Intermediation, and Earnings Management
(2014-10-01)Based on four empirical studies, this thesis investigates the interrelation of corporate governance, information intermediation, and earnings management. First, the thesis complements the discussion initiated by the European ... -
Corporate valuation with mixed financing strategies and cross-border relations
(2023-08-31)Corporate valuation is a theoretically challenging but practically highly relevant field. It is usually conducted using discounted cash flow (DCF) methods. One important part of corporate valuation with DCF methods are ... -
Credit Access, Networks, Institutions and Performance of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Insights from Vietnam
(2018-03-01)Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in developing and transition economies. Recently, more attention has been paid to the role of networks and institutions in improving firm performance. By using ... -
Cultural and attitudinal influences on destination choice
(2008-05-27)This study contributes to the knowledge base for a more sustainable development of Chinese domestic tourism from a demand side perspective. Economic valuation is based on choice experiment (CE) data from a survey of ... -
Cultural Property und Cultural Heritage. Eine ethnologische Analyse internationaler Konzeptionen im Vergleich
(2007-09-25)The following thesis deals with the conceptional change from cultural property to cultural heritage within the UNESCO. The draft of cultural property was first established through the UNESCO ... -
Current Issues in Rural Development: Land Tenure, Land Use Change and Climate Change
(2024-10-10)This doctoral dissertation is composed of three scientific articles investigating the role of land tenure on agricultural productivity, the responses of smallholders to climate change, and the consequences of Large-Scale ... -
Customer satisfaction in the food sector
(2009-03-18)Customer satisfaction research has evolved into an established marketing instrument in scientific literature for considerable time, and is also applied in business practice. Particularly ...