Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Title
Now showing items 215-234 of 559
„Fake News“ in der Online-Kommunikation
(2023-08-07)For as long as anyone can remember, fake news has been a central problem for the formation of individual and public opinion. Today, the effect of widespread disinformation is amplified by the technical possibilities of ... -
Familiäre und schulische Beiträge zur Leseförderung: Eine vergleichende Interventionsstudie
(2011-11-16)This thesis dealt with reading promotion at Grade 4. The development and evaluation of three reading programs with respect to their effectiveness was a primary concern in order to generate ... -
Family Members, Not Workers
(2019-03-14)This study aims to understand how family caregivers experience their roles as family care helpers (FCHs). These FCHs are qualified as such within the long-term care insurance (LTCI) programme that South Korea implemented ... -
Farmer-herder relations in Ghana: interplay of environmental change, conflict, cooperation and social networks
(2017-08-30)Farmer-herder relations and interactions are not new in West Africa. They have existed for a long time and have been the subject of scholarship. These relations are presented as marked by conflict, cooperation and ... -
Feindbild Jude, Feindbild Großstadt. Antisemitismus und Großstadtfeindschaft im völkischen Denken
(2017-03-02)The study analysis the connection of antisemitism and antiurbanism in voelkish thought between 1902 and 1940. The discourse about urban life and Jews in the voelkish movement is based on three topoi: The personification ... -
Financial Market Actors: Cognitive Biases, Portfolio Diversification and Forecasting Ability
(2019-05-10)For investments in the capital markets, portfolio theory (Markowitz, 1952) plays a significant role and continues to form an important basis for decisions on the structuring of investment portfolios. For risk-averse ... -
Die Finten im Boxen. Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der Olympischen Spiele Sydney 2000
(2004-07-13)As the amount of KOs in boxing has been constantly decreasing over the past twenty years, technical and tactical elements have become more and more important. This includes the art of ... -
Firm dynamics and regional development in Indonesia
(2022-01-25)Like all economic actors, firms continuously need to adjust to changes of the environment they are operating in. Since firms do not only produce goods or provide services, but also act on the demand side of input factors ... -
Firm Risk and Ambiguity: The Role of Management and the Board
(2021-07-27)This dissertation is fundamentally concerned with the question of how management and the board of directors influence the uncertainty—that is, both risk and ambiguity—of a corporation. Interest in this question stems from ... -
Five Essays in Experimental Economics
(2021-06-10)This dissertation consists of five essays contributing to a better understanding of three fundamental lines of research in behavioral economics: trust and cooperation in social interactions, gender discrimination, and ... -
Floods in Southeast Asia: A Household Welfare Priority
(2019-05-29)The dissertation focuses on floods in Vietnam and Thailand using a long-time measurement of household welfare, combined with an external flood indicator, which is a measure of local inundation by using satellite floodwater ... -
(2019-03-21)The armed conflict in Syria which began in 2011, caused one of the largest refugee movements in the context of collective violence and war since World War II. Those who fled during the complex, increasingly violent and ... -
Four Essays in Experimental Economics
(2015-03-03)The first essay “Informational Asymmetries in Laboratory Asset Markets with State-Dependent Fundamentals” investigates the formation of market prices in a new experimental setting involving multi-period call-auction asset ... -
Four Essays on Health and Nutrition of Indian Women and Children
(2022-10-05)This cumulative doctoral thesis consists of four research manuscripts (hereafter essays). Essay 1: Using a nationally representative dataset for India, this study sets up a quasi-experimental study design – instrumental ... -
Förderung von Belastungs-Beanspruchungs-Bewältigung bei Auszubildenden in der Pflege
(2023-06-02)The nursing profession is characterized by a particularly high stress level. This in turn has an impact on the quality of care and the retention of nurses. Against the backdrop of an aging society and the resulting increasing ... -
Frauen in Couleur. Akademische Frauenverbindungen und die Strategien weiblicher Gemeinschaftsbildungen in einer Männerdomäne
(2022-10-10)The milieu of student associations („Studierendenverbindungen“) in Germany is male-dominated, with male-dominated traditions and rituals that focus on masculinity. This is also reflected in their members: the majority of ... -
From Bonded Laborers to Educated Citizens? Immigration, Labor Markets, and Human Capital in São Paulo, Brazil (1820-2010)
(2019-05-23)The thesis studies the consequences of the Age of Mass Migration (1820-1920) for the socioeconomic development of the province/state of São Paulo, Brazil, in the short and long run. The determinants of immigration and the ... -
From Secondary School to the Labor Market in Colombia: Turning Barriers into Building Blocks
(2024-02-29)The System for the Prevention and Analysis of School Dropouts in Higher Education (SPADIES) played a pivotal role in addressing the challenge of reducing drop-out rates in Colombian higher education, contributing to an ... -
Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede im politischen Selbstkonzept von Jugendlichen
(2023-11-17)Gender equality is a central element of our representative democracy (Bukow & Voß, 2018). However, with a female representation of about 35 % in the German Bundestag (Deutscher Bundestag, 2023), the current gender distribution ...