Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Title
Now showing items 233-252 of 558
Geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede im politischen Selbstkonzept von Jugendlichen
(2023-11-17)Gender equality is a central element of our representative democracy (Bukow & Voß, 2018). However, with a female representation of about 35 % in the German Bundestag (Deutscher Bundestag, 2023), the current gender distribution ... -
Gespräche im Mentorat
(2021-12-22)At Swiss universities of teacher education, the so-called ‘Mentorat’ is a format in which students are programmatically accompanied in their individual professionalisation process. This format is widespread and, as well, ... -
Gestalttherapie zur Prävention von Depression
(2008-01-09)In this research, the attempt was made to develop a program for indicative prevention of depression among adolescents, based on Gestalt group therapy with creative media, and to examine ... -
Gesundheit in Fernsehen und Internet
(2001-05-21)The present study investigates the available information, the quality and the utilization of new media (computer and television). This work was prompted by the discussions of the question, ... -
Gesundheitlicher Benefit sportlicher Aktivitäten von Menschen mit Behinderungen im Freizeit- und Breitensport
(2016-12-15)The `Convention of the United Nations on the rights of persons with disabilities‘ was created to move more awareness towards the human rights of people with disabilities. The convention was implemented in the member states ... -
Gesundheitsverhalten und Einstellungen zur Oralprophylaxe im Generationenvergleich
(2008-10-07)Additional to the clinical researches on which the dentists are referring their points of researches this qualitative study tried to give a contribution to habitudes of dental care. As ... -
Globaler Institutionenwandel und nachhaltige globale öffentliche Gütersicherung:Ausgewählte globale institutionelle Arrangements im Vergleich und globale Förderinstrumentempfehlung für grünen Energietechnologiewandel beispielsweise in Nigeria
(2013-06-25)Considering the nonexcludable and nonrival nature of the benefits of global public goods stretching intergenerationally across population groups und transnational borders it becomes logically inevitable to safeguard them ... -
God Help the Girl
(2022-08-31)This dissertation seeks to determine the policy stances of the Catholic Churches in Poland and the Philippines regarding the issue of prostitution. It endeavors to explain why these stances diverge, despite the two Churches ... -
Greening Consumption: Decoding the Influence of Vegan Label and 'Rescued' Claim
(2024-07-18)The global food system significantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, with animal-derived products and food waste representing two major factors. Reducing the consumption of animal-derived products and minimizing ... -
Grenzkonflikte um Person und Leben
(2002-07-25)Deconstructing the concept of personhood by observing the social praxis as the common anthropological approach, reveals that 'person' is not equivalent to the human being as a biological ... -
Growth, Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Climate and Wellbeing
(2013-08-29)The five essays of this dissertation combine topics from development and environmental economics. All essays treat the overall topic on how to influence and regulate the production of CO2 emissions. The green house gas CO2 ... -
Handlungsoptionen von MigrantInnen in Interaktion mit dem formellen und informellen Staat in Russland
(2018-08-09)More and more people are moving to Russia with different intentions and goals. According to the United Nations, Russia ranks third in the number of international migrants worldwide after the United States and Germany. Once ... -
Heilen in der Stadt
(2018-07-05)This dissertation explores how the urban context of Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo) influences the use of medicinal plants and the strategies of medicinal plant users. Medicinal plants are a highly contested resource ... -
Here today, gone tomorrow: Pop-up stores’ ephemerality and consumer behavior
(2021-05-18)This dissertation was motivated by the rise of pop-up stores as a retail concept devised to satisfy consumers’ desire for ephemerality and extraordinary experiences. As pop-ups are highly original and unique, they are ... -
Heuristische Entscheidungen in Gruppen bei der Personalauswahl
(2016-03-23)Heuristics are usually discussed as an individual phenomenon, but this raises the question of whether heuristics may also be applied at a collective level. The paper examines this heuristic decision making at a group ... -
Hindutva Self-fashioning: Young Hindu Nationalists of India
(2023-04-27)This doctoral thesis is titled ‘Hindutva Self-Fashioning: Young Hindu Nationalists of India’. In this study, I investigated the socialisation processes and everyday lives of members of India’s largest Hindu nationalist ... -
How Students´ Disciplinary Attitudes and Beliefs Affect Learning In Introductory Statistics Courses
(2024-12-18)Attitudes and beliefs are frequently studied concepts in statistics education research. A main reason for this is that both are associated with learning success. However, very little is known about the mechanisms that ... -
How to Foster Prosocial Behavior?
(2021-04-23)The starting point of this dissertation is the idea that it is in the interest of society to foster prosocial behavior. Far more debatable is which strategies are suitable to promote prosocial behavior. In this thesis, I ... -
„Ich sehe nur, wie sich die Menschen plagen“: Gesundheitsvorstellungen, -risiken und -verhalten von Berufspolitikern – eine empirische Analyse
(2014-04-25)The aim of the study titled Empirical analysis of health concepts, risks and behavior of German members of parliament is to analyze the work-related health strain of members of the German parliament. Objective of the study ... -
Ideas are Craftwork Development of an Innovation Training Course and its Evaluation with female and male Journeymen
(2018-07-03)This doctoral dissertation is comprised of three autonomous studies all aiming at answering the research question of “Which ideation techniques enhance the idea quality in idea generation?”. A systematic literature review ...