Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Title
Now showing items 251-270 of 558
„Ich sehe nur, wie sich die Menschen plagen“: Gesundheitsvorstellungen, -risiken und -verhalten von Berufspolitikern – eine empirische Analyse
(2014-04-25)The aim of the study titled Empirical analysis of health concepts, risks and behavior of German members of parliament is to analyze the work-related health strain of members of the German parliament. Objective of the study ... -
Ideas are Craftwork Development of an Innovation Training Course and its Evaluation with female and male Journeymen
(2018-07-03)This doctoral dissertation is comprised of three autonomous studies all aiming at answering the research question of “Which ideation techniques enhance the idea quality in idea generation?”. A systematic literature review ... -
Identitäten in Bewegung. Ausländische Adoptierte, Rassismus und hybride kulturelle Identität. Eine biographieanalytische Studie
(2014-02-19)At the center of this qualitatively-oriented study is an insight into the world and the autobiographical development of adult adoptees. We consider the feature of double parenthood, the way experience of racism are dealt ... -
Identitätskonstruktionen marginalisierter Jugendlicher im informellen Sport
(2017-01-31)In public and political debates young ethnic minority men are commonly labelled as a ‘problem group’ and in scientific discourses researchers attest them difficulties with identity development. Taking into account that ... -
Immigranten zwischen Einbürgerung und Abwanderung
(2007-06-20)Within the last few decades the Federal Republic of Germany has changed through immigration from a rather ethnically homogeneous, to an ethnically heterogeneous society. In the course of ... -
Indigene Bewegung und "Identitätspolitik" in Ecuador
(2009-10-29)The upswing of ethnic, or movements often characterized as ethno-nationalistic, is a phenomenon taking place all over the world. With the end of the cold war most armed conflicts were now interpreted overhastly as ethnically ... -
Die individuellen und gesellschaftlichen Aspekte des Lebens mit Behinderungen in Ungarn.
(2015-07-07)Summary Hungary is a post-communist country where for long decades poverty or unemployment caused by disability, among other undesired social problems, was not made a subject of discussion or was ignored and considered ... -
Information Asymmetries and the Role of Information Intermediaries on Capital Markets
(2022-10-10)Information asymmetries are common characteristics of the relationship between investors and the management of a firm. These asymmetries can lead to inefficient resource allocation and welfare losses. This thesis aims to ... -
Innovation and experts
(2016-03-03)Experts have been discussed in the literature concerning the role of transferring knowledge to client firms and private customers. Nevertheless, only limited evidence has been presented concerning the clients’ internal ... -
Institutional Designs of Public Goods in the Context of Cultural Property
(2014-02-14)The dissertation is divided in two parts. The first part examines the case of how traditional cultural expressions (TCEs) can be protected by formal institutions of collective property rights against unauthorized use by ... -
Institutions, Incentives and Local Policies
(2009-10-27)At the core of this book are theoretical and empirical analyses of how local policies are shaped by the incentives that various institutions in education and media markets create for economic ... -
Intangible Costs of Data Breach Events
(2018-01-10)The intangible costs of data breach events encompass for instance the loss of investor confidence, reputational damage and loss of competitive advantage. Yet, existing literature sheds light on this phenomenon only to a ... -
Integration durch Regulierungsrecht
(2022-11-29)Integration through law is evolving. The realization of an ever closer union between the peoples of Europe is not taking place solely on the basis of the "negative" elimination of legal obstacles to integration in the ... -
Inter(ethno)religiöse Kooperation
(2022-05-18)Short summary: The dissertation describes and analyzes direct and indirect manifestations of exchange and reference between local religious communities in the ctities Gelsenkirchen and Recklinghausen, located in the German ... -
Die internationale Pionierphase der Windenergienutzung
(2010-03-19)This PhD thesis analyzes the political, socio-cultural and economical context, leading to wind power as proven technology during 1970/80ties. The most attention ist given to the period of ... -
Die internationale Regulierung geistiger Eigentumsrechte und ihr Einfluss auf den Wissenserwerb in Entwicklungsländern
(2005-10-25)The TRIPS-Agreement under the umbrella of the World Trade Organization (WTO) forms a cornerstone in the international regulation of intellectual property rights protection. The agreement ... -
Internationalization of Firms: Antecedents, Speed, and Performance Implications
(2017-04-03)The thesis by publication contains three papers and addresses shortcomings in existing literature on internationalization processes of multinational enterprises and international new ventures (INVs). Special focus is given ... -
Internetbasierte Lehr-/Lernmethoden für die wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Hochschulausbildung
(2003-01-23)Vor dem Hintergrund der gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen, welche in hohem Maße auf das Aufkommen der neuen Informations-und Kommunikationstechnologien (IuKT) und insbesondere der Internettechnologie zurückzuführen sind, ... -
Investigation of selected Controlling Instruments
(2024-11-14)In the dissertation, three controlling instruments were examined: methods for determining individual risk attitudes, remuneration systems and behaviour-oriented controls, which play important roles in a corporate context. ... -
Is de-carbonized development possible? Household emissions and renewable energy in developing countries
(2014-10-24)Today’s policy makers are facing the challenge of mitigating climate change without limiting the growth potentials of developing countries. In this vein, this study offers a step towards answering the question is de-carbonized ...