Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Title
Now showing items 345-364 of 558
Okonometrische Verfahren zur Messung von Segregation und Lohndiskriminierung - eine theoretische und empirische Studie
(2013-01-31)In most economies males earn higher wages than females. The question is whether this wage gap is due to discrimination or not. The dominant approach is the human capital theory by Becker and Mincer. It means that workers ... -
On some special-purpose hidden Markov models
(2011-05-11)Hidden Markov models (HMMs) provide flexible devices for modelling time series of observations that depend on underlying serially correlated states. They constitute a specific class of ... -
On the credibility of macroeconomic reform and stabilization policies
(1999)The formation of macroeconomic policy is conceptualized as on-going process of interaction between private individuals and a centralized policymaker. This interaction is inherently strategic in nature and lends itself to ... -
On the Determinants of Premiums in Financial Markets
(2023-08-24)This dissertation analyzes the pricing, exposures as well as information content of options. It aims to fill research gaps in the existing options-literature in the research fields of volatility-related pricing, option-exposures ... -
On the role of financial derivatives for the genesis and analysis of volatility in commodity markets
(2016-04-27)Food price volatility has re-emerged as an important topic of political discussion since the food price crisis of 2007/08. Not only the observation of increasing price levels but also their apparent increased volatility ... -
Opening the Black Box
(2020-06-05)This doctoral dissertation teases out how scientific knowledge in interdisciplinary collaborative teams is learned, shared and integrated in scientists' minds and in their daily interpersonal communications. This work is ... -
Operational Risk Management - Implementing a Bayesian Network for Foreign Exchange and Money Market Settlement
(2005-09-09)Operational risk losses in the financial industry usually occur at the business unit (micro) level and are due to weak management oversight, weak internal controls or the lack of it, or to ... -
Organization and Incentivization of Risk Management
(2022-03-22)Risk management is accepted as relevant for success of organizations and stability of the whole economy. Therefore, an organization of an appropriate risk management system is mandatory in many countries, especially for ... -
Der Ostseerat - ein Beitrag zur Zivilisierung des internationalen Systems?
(2007-10-18)The Council of the Baltic Sea States (CBSS) was founded as a consequence of the global political change during the years 1989/90. Although it is a high-ranking organization, consisting of ... -
Outside the Wire: Foucault's Ethics and the Canadian Military
(2012-09-24)Foucault believed an ethical person developed through “self forming activity” and the exercise of free will. Foucault’s theories on ethics and power-knowledge, however, can be viewed as a contradiction. The problem, say ... -
Öffentliche Videoüberwachung in den USA, Großbritannien und Deutschland
(2006-10-30)In spite of the worldwide increasing use of video technology for providing public safty and order, the use of public camera surveillance varies among Great Britain, Germany and United States. ... -
Die ökonomische Kompensation im Scheidungsfolgenrecht von Chile und die ehelichen Lebensverhältnisse beim nachehelichen Unterhalt im deutschen Recht
(2007-05-10)This article provides a comparison of the institution of Chilean marriage laws, called economic compensation (article 61 et seq. of the Civil Marriage Law)--a usually unique payment that ... -
Palästinensische Familien in den Flüchtlingslagern im Westjordanland: Eine empirische Studie zum kollektiven Gedächtnis und den transgenerationellen Folgen von Flucht und Vertreibung
(2020-12-10)The label "Palestinian refugees" with reference to the right of return is generally reserved for those Palestinians who have fled or were displaced from their homes in the context of the wars of 1948 and 1967, but also for ... -
Parentalité et travail familial en France et en Allemagne - le parentalisme, nouveau mode de régulation ? -
(2003-05-14)The contemporary evolutions of the family and their dynamics are the starting point of our research. Our object is to show how these changes have placed the relations between the child and ... -
Partial Least Squares and Principal Component Analysis with Non-metric Variables for Composite Indices
(2015-08-28)A composite index is an aggregated variable comprising individual indicators and weights that commonly represent the relative importance of each indicator. Composite indices are often used to measure latent phenomena or ... -
Path-dependent Risk Measures - Theory and Applications
(2021-01-22)This dissertation addresses various key aspects in risk measurement with path-dependent risk measures. In contrast to most classical risk measures like value-at-risk, (semi-)variance, expected shortfall, or lower partial ... -
Patienten- und Bürgerbeteiligung im Gesundheitswesen Deutschlands, Finnlands und Polens
(2006-11-08)The thesis explores forms and political objectives of patient and citizen involvement in different European health care systems. In particular, it focuses on how the program of user ... -
Peacebuilding der Vereinten Nationen. Der Wandel in der Friedenssicherungspraxis der internationalen Gemeinschaft und die Veränderung staatlicher Souveränität
(2014-01-21)When general secretary Boutros-Ghali presented the Agenda for Peace in 1992, he introduced the concept of post-conflict peace-building, thereby extending the United Nation’s existing instruments for maintaining international ...