Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Title
Now showing items 456-475 of 558
Der Tapeverband am Sprunggelenk als technischer Bestandteil zur Leistungssteigerung im Sport am Beispiel des Fosbury Flops
Tapferkeit als unbestimmter Rechtsbegriff
(2024-10-08)Bravery as a undefined legal term Jurisprudence has been accompanied by undefined legal terms throughout its history. Bravery is one such term, and the Legal Status of Military Personnel Act is not the only law in Germany ... -
Telling stories or solving problems? The 20-20-20 package and the efficiency of EU Climate Change Policies
(2016-06-20)The main instrument for the EU climate change protection plans relies on the 20-20-20 by 2020 targets. This roadmap, adopted in 2008, is the result of years of continuing work for a joint programme for Europe-wide application ... -
Textual Information in Analyst Reports and its Value for Decision Support
(2023-02-16)The profession of financial analysts requires skills that cannot be replaced even by today’s most cutting-edge analytical tools. Instead, ongoing globalization and the increasing interconnectedness of international financial ... -
(Thai-)Land in Bewegung: Nostalgien und inländische Tourismusmobilitäten
(2018-11-21)This dissertation examines the manifold mobility dynamics and social transformations in which the development of domestic tourism in Thailand is embedded. It is based on ethnographic fieldwork in Chiang Khan, a small town ... -
The Analysis of the International Legal Water Regime of the Mekong River Basin
(2017-03-09)On 27 August 2014, the world famous 1997 Convention on the Law of the Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses (the 1997 UNWC) entered into force. This event once again made international water law become a hot ... -
The Application of Chatbots at the Digital Workplace in Businesses - Empirical Insights and Design Recommendations for Business Chatbots
(2022-06-17)Driven by the ongoing digitalization, businesses and work procedures change, established paper-based ways of working vanish, and new forms of digital collaboration or office and working structures are emerging. Besides ... -
The causes and consequences of violent conflict
(2021-04-19)This dissertation presents four independent papers that contribute to the understanding of the causes and consequences of violent conflicts. The first two papers identify causes of conflicts whereas the latter two elaborate ... -
The Challenges of Transition: Essays on Nutrition and Climate Change
(2016-07-08)Transition processes are a concomitant feature of economic growth. The transition that many countries (especially developing and transition countries) undergo when they experience economic growth has manifold ...
The complementarities of child health achievements in developing countries
(2015-03-12)This dissertation, which is grounded on a human-centred and multidimensional vision of development, aims at analyzing empirically the correlates and determinants of child health in low and middle income countries. The ... -
The cultural context of biodiversity conservation
(2008-04-29)Due to the recognition that many areas of the world that contain high levels of biodiversity are cultural landscapes inhabited by indigenous and local communities, the significant role such communities play in preserving ... -
The Economics of Globalization: Migration, Trade, and Investment
(2024-11-29)The three economic drivers of globalization are the free flow of labor, goods, and capital. Together they have shaped three waves of globalization over the last 200 years. This dissertation encompasses all three waves of ... -
The Economics of Human Rights - Gender, Human Trafficking, and Policy
(2011-07-25)This dissertation includes four papers prepared during my PhD study period (2008-2011), investigating a variety of topics on human rights through economic analyses. All the papers discuss ... -
The effects of regulatory and financial policy instruments on innovative behavior
(2016-03-24)Fostering innovative activities is broadly acknowledged to be a core requirement of successful economic policy in order to achieve political aims like economic growth, high levels of employment or long-standing international ... -
The effects of study abroad experience on students vocational identity
(2010-07-07)This research study discusses the implications of a semester study abroad program within students' vocational career development, and in particular, on student's self-perceptions, vocational ... -
The Fiscal and Economic Impact of Qualifying Industrial Zones
(2007-01-02)SUMMARYThis thesis investigates the fiscal and economic impact of Qualifying Industrial Zones (QIZs) on the Jordanian economy. In contrast to other studies, this study assesses costs and ... -
The Impact and Implementation of International Development Finance
(2023-12-04)This dissertation examines the pivotal role of international development finance amid the halfway point of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. Against the backdrop of formidable challenges, including the ... -
The Impact of Voluntary Front-of-Pack Nutrition-Label Introduction on Purchase Behavior
(2015-02-04)Nutrition labeling is the provision of information about nutrition content of individual food products at the point of purchase. Decades of marketing and nutrition research have been devoted to analyze how consumers perceive, ... -
The influence of moral costs and heuristics on individual decision making: Five essays in behavioral economics
(2018-10-24)In this thesis I present three essays in which the influence of heuristics on individual decision making is analyzed and two essays dealing with behavioral aspects of moral costs. In chapter two, we investigate the effect ... -
The influence of vocational education and training on innovation
(2023-08-22)My dissertation aims at analyzing the relevance of vocational education and training (VET) on firm innovation in Germany. It makes a twofold contribution to the innovation literature: Firstly, it complements studies on ...