Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Title
Now showing items 548-561 of 561
Zeit in sozialer Interaktion im Kontext medizinischer Versorgung von Menschen mit Demenz
(2022-03-22)The influencing potential that lies in the conscious inclusion of time in social interactions has not yet been explicitly researched for the medical context - and especially for the encounter between doctors and patients. ... -
Zeit- und Volatilitätsstruktur von Zinssätzen - Modellierung, Implementierung, Kalibrierung
(2007-12-07)The thesis traces the modelling developments of the term structure of interest rates from the beginnings in the early seventies of the last century up to the multifactorial cross-currency stochastic volatility Libor ... -
Zielgruppensegmente und Positionierungsstrategien für das Marketing von Premium-Lebensmitteln
(2005-12-14)Marketing of special product qualities in the food sector in these days requires a high level of commitment and marketing skills. The food market is characterized by a polarisation into a ... -
Zielorientierungen und schulisches Lernen am Grundschulübergang
(2011-11-17)The transition from elementary to secondary school is a very important event in the life of every student that is associated with a decline in motivation (e.g., Anderman & Maehr, 1994). ... -
Zur Ermittlung individueller, lernfeldspezifischer und institutioneller Einflussfaktoren auf den Lerntransfer in der betrieblichen Weiterbildung: Eine empirische Untersuchung mit Weiterbildungsteilnehmenden aus dem Hotelgewerbe
(2021-11-16)The hotel sector is facing special challenges, such as the acute shortage of skilled workers and rising service standards. Company-sponsored further training is regarded as an appropriate measure for keeping pace with these ... -
Zur Rezeption des Spielfilms der Weimarer Republik in Südafrika 1928 - 1933
(2007-08-14)This study of the reception of Weimar Republic cinema in South Africa examines the cause and effect of German films as part of South Africa s cinema programme in the period 1928 to 1933. In a first step, the historical ... -
Zur sozialen und kulturellen Bedeutung stimmungsverändernder Medikamente. Erfahrungen von deutschen Hausarztpatienten, spanischen Migranten in Deutschland und im Herkunftsland lebenden Spaniern
(2012-05-02)Aims: To uncover the social meanings of mood-modifying drugs and to describe the underlying connotations from the users' perspective of three different samples. They consist of German primary care patients, Spanish migrants ... -
Zur Staats- und Ideologietheorie im strukturalistischen Marxismus
(2002-05-15)The investigation concerns itself with the structuralist Marxism developed in the 1960"s, which had a similar status in France to that of the "Frankfurter Schule" in Germany, above all ... -
Zwischen Funktion und Leistung
(2007-04-24)It seems almost impossible for a spectator to draw a distinction between sport and its social environment in postmodern times. And even if the effort is undertaken to draw such a distinction ... -
Zwischen Sorgerecht und Unterhaltspflicht.
(2009-01-29)Nowadays, some fathers find themselves in an inconsistent situation. On the one hand, demographic changes have caused a re-definition of men s role within families who are no longer exclusively ... -
(2022-05-10)This dissertation aims to investigate the retention and development of elements of pre-modern written language in modern (post-1919) Chinese written language. In the history of the development of modern Chinese, in the ...