Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Title
Now showing items 111-130 of 559
(Deutsches) Internationales Insolvenzrecht im Umbruch:
(2006-05-30)This thesis is dealing with the hot topics of International Insolvency Law, starting with questionning the competence of local courts to start an insolvency proceeding under local laws and ... -
Developing Controlling and Performance Evaluation of Multinational Companies Operating in Egypt
(2006-09-26)This research aims to develop controlling and performance evaluation of multinational companies operating in Egypt through considering the effect of the environmental factors and problems affecting the performance of these ... -
Development and Gender Inequality
(2011-11-17)The four essays collected in this volume aim is to shed some light on specific aspect in which women are discriminated against (employment, education and access to health care) in developing ... -
Development of Material Flow Cost Accounting and Value Added Statements as Planning Instruments for Sustainability Management
(2023-06-01)In companies, the environmental and social objectives of employees, society, and customers have become in relation to the primary economic goals of the equity holders more important. The partially contrary relationships ... -
Differenzierungen, Normalität und Positionierungen. Analysen studentischer Äußerungen über Inklusion und Schüler*innen.
(2023-08-04)In recent years, 'inclusion' has become an important topic in school and classroom research as well as in teacher education and student research. While quantitative-empirical research asks about attitudes and similar ... -
Digital Health Affairs – Voraussetzungen für politischen Wandel im Gesundheitswesen
(2017-02-06)Political science studies of the last few years show that the German and Austrian health care systems are rather reform-resistant. On the basis of the launch of electronic card systems in the German and Austrian health ... -
Digitalisierung im Personenverkehr
(2020-06-05)The effects of demographic change and lack of acceptance pose some of the main problems for public transport infrastructure in rural areas in developed countries. In developing countries, however, there is a need to ... -
Digitization of High-Stakes Exams
(2023-08-31)The opportunities for digitization in education have been addressed in research and practice for a long time. These extend across all components of the Curriculum-Instruction-Assessment (CIA) triad according to PELLEGRINO ... -
Das Dilemma der BrückenbauerInnen: LokalpolitikerInnen mit Migrationshintergrund
(2019-05-27)The political representation of people with a migration background is increasingly becoming the focus of public and academic attention. Even though people with a migration background are still underrepresented in German ... -
Das Diskriminierungsverbot im Zivilrecht
(2008-07-08)The present work examines the impotance of discrimination bans in the german civil law. His first part looks into the question of the existence of such bans at international and national ... -
Diskurs und Nachhaltigkeit
(2004-05-12)The Dissertation integrates the discourse on sustainable development into the discourse theory of Jürgen Habermas. Starting from a theory of argumentation the dissertation corrects Habermas´ ... -
Divergenz und Konvergenz ausgewählter Marktforschungsmethoden unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Marken
(2009-08-20)Strong brands create clear impressions across social groups and are distinguished by means of unique selling propositions. But what is a brand? Intelligence, for example, is measured by an ... -
Diversity Management in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen.
(2022-08-08)In the course of increasing heterogeneity within society, triggered, for example, by demographic change, the increased influx of people with international histories, or the changing distribution of roles in partner ... -
Do migrant remittances matter? Nature, determinants and impacts of remittances to Pakistan
(2015-07-08)This thesis is a collection of studies, which analyze the macro- and micro-economic aspects of the nature of migrant remittances to Pakistan and their economic impacts on the recipient households’ consumption and asset ... -
Does Context Always Matter?
(2025-01-07)The risk of information security breaches in companies is escalating due to the increasing digitalization of business processes and employee activities within their daily work environment. While technical measures can ... -
Doing Well by Doing Good? New Insights into the Firm Value Implications of Corporate Social Responsibility
(2016-11-09)Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become a substantial firm investment. However, the firm value implications of CSR, i.e., whether doing good aligns with doing well, are still a topic of hot debate in practice and ... -
Doing-Using-Interacting-Mode. Wirtschaftspolitische Folgerungen zum Lern- und Innovationsverhalten von kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen
(2018-12-19)The promotion of innovations activities is a central element of a successful economic policy. Innovation researchers and policy makers have so far mainly dealt with the learning and innovation behavior of research- and ... -
Double Deterrence and International Mediation
(2018-03-15)The existing research on nuclear deterrence generally focuses on direct deterrence between the parties of a conflict, such as nuclear deterrence between the US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. Even after the Cold ... -
Dynamic Language Bindings for C Libraries with emphasis on their application to R
(2013-10-31)Scripting languages are becoming increasingly prevalent as a tool for rapid application development. However, numerous efficient “best-practice” software solutions are initially available as C libraries. Scripting ... -
Dynamics of Social and Individual Preferences: Evidence from Madagascar
(2021-07-27)Every day individuals make different decisions that reflect their individual and social preferences. Until not long ago, individual preferences were at the center of the economic theory. Now, social preferences are also ...