Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Title
Now showing items 131-150 of 561
Dynamics of Social and Individual Preferences: Evidence from Madagascar
(2021-07-27)Every day individuals make different decisions that reflect their individual and social preferences. Until not long ago, individual preferences were at the center of the economic theory. Now, social preferences are also ... -
Dynamiken in der Gruppenbildung der Kurden durch nationalstaatliche Prozesse
(2010-08-26)This academic approach examines, explains and drafts processes that created and helped organizing kurdish formation of groups in the region of Iraqi Kurdistan aiming to an explanation for ... -
Early Marriage and Its Effects on Girls' Education in Rural Ethiopia: The Case of Mecha Woreda in West Gojjam, North-Western Ethiopia
(2005-08-05)This study examines issues pertaining to early marriage and its effects on girls' education in rural Ethiopia, with special reference to Mecha Woreda in West Gojjam, Amhara Region, where ... -
Econometric studies on flexible modeling of developing countries in growth analysis
(2012-05-25)Over the last four decades, several methods for selecting the smoothing parameter, generally called the bandwidth, have been introduced in kernel regression. They differ quite a bit, and although there already exist ... -
Economic development and de-carbonization paths: Micro and macro perspectives from Indonesia
(2014-11-26)The three essays of this dissertation associate topics on economic development and climate change. All essays discuss the general topic on how to link rising income level and environmental trade-offs, focusing on CO2 ... -
Economic effects of occupational regulation
(2018-12-18)This thesis is motivated by the wish to balance the public debate on regulation. It aims to teach public and policy-makers about the seen und unseen effects as well as regulatory options of a particular form of regulation ... -
Economic Forecasting. Experimental Evidence on Individual Biases, Group Cooperation and Herd Behavior
(2014-07-25)Economic Forecasting. Experimental Evidence on Individual Biases, Group Cooperation and Herd Behavior -
Economic Inequality: Causes, Consequences, and Measurement Issues.
(2016-09-27)Inequality and fairness have always been at the heart of any political concept aiming at the well-being of the people. The idea of equality is as old as the democracy itself, and besides instrumental reasons for valuing ... -
Effect Separation in Regression Models with Multiple Scales
(2017-06-12)Confounding problems in regression analysis arise when one or more third variables are simultaneously associated with both the covariates and the response variables under consideration. Even when these confounders are ... -
Effects of decoupling direct payments on agricultural production and land use in individual member states of the European Union
(2008-06-26)Decoupling of direct payments to farmers has probably been one of the most discussed issues in the agricultural environment within the last years. Regarding the European Union s (EU) new ... -
Der Einfluss der Ertragsbesteuerung auf Unternehmensakquisitionen - Eine Untersuchung von Steuerwirkungen anhand von Transaktions- und Finanzdaten deutscher Kapitalgesellschaften zwischen 1997 und 2008
(2018-12-06)Investments in the form of acquisitions have a strong strategic and financial relevance for the acquirer. From the view of the vendor, the sale will result in a significant restructuring of assets which allows to change ... -
Der Einfluss jugendlicher Sozialisationserfahrungen auf ausgewählte Aspekte der politischen Identität im Erwachsenenalter
(2009-12-15)One of the central subjects of political and social research is the impact of socialization during childhood and adolescence on political identity of the adult. Main issue of the current ... -
Der Einfluss von Persönlichkeitsvariablen auf den Sunk-Cost-Effekt: Eine kritische Replikation und Erweiterung
(2017-03-15)The sunk cost effect describes the irrational tendency to make decisions about the continuation of an endeavor or the use of an object, depending on whether and to which extend sunk costs have incurred. This can imply ... -
Der Einfluss wirksamer Compliance-Überprüfung mit Hilfe sicherer Hinweisgebersysteme auf die Unternehmenskultur
(2010-07-09)More and more companies use whistle-blowing systems as part of their corporate compliance to increase transparency, and for the purpose of preventing business crime. This thesis states how whistle-blowing systems are ... -
Einzelhandel und Konsumkultur
(2002-04-26)The increasing internationalization of retail formats leads to the question wheater there is a cultural and space specific relation between the on the one hand selected and realized concept ... -
Emotionen und Erlebnisse beim Public Viewing
(2010-06-02)The dissertation presents a fundamental contribution of sports sciences to a current and socially significant discourse. Television broadcastings of socially relevant events have long been ... -
Empirical Evidence on the Effectiveness of Energy Economic Policy Instruments from the Residential and SMEs Sector
(2020-04-16)This dissertation analyzes the effectiveness of different energy economic policy instruments for carbon dioxide emission reductions. To this end, evidence on the effectiveness of energy economic policy instruments on ... -
Empirical Studies on Migration
(2023-10-02)Research over the past decades has documented growing migration flows worldwide; and specifically increased immigration into developed countries of the global north. Against this background, this thesis investigates the ... -
Employees' Acceptance of Smart Watches in Germany
(2023-10-12)More and more companies rely on smart watches in their processes and equip their employees with them. Smart watches promise a variety of benefits for both employers and employees. These include simplifying information ... -
Employment and Micro and Small Enterprises
(2020-01-16)This cumulative dissertation analyses the performance of micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in developing countries and their role in the creation of productive employment and decent work. It consists of four independent ...