Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Title
Now showing items 151-170 of 558
Die Entstehung der koreanischen Chaebol
(2001-11-07) -
Die Entwicklung der ostdeutschen Tagespresse nach 1945. Bruch oder Übergang?
(2004-08-25)The press history of Eastgermany, which started with the end of the world war II, was in the dominating research described as a complete restart: The media history research assumed that the ... -
Entwicklung eines Beratungsprogramms zur Förderung der emotionalen Intelligenz im Kindergarten
(2012-08-29)This study was concerned with the emotional intelligence, its promotion in kindergarten, and the relationship between this promotion and the qualification of teachers in kindergarten. The study was divided into two sections, ... -
Entwicklung eines Evolutionären Algorithmus zur Preisoptimierung für kleine und mittlere Handelsunternehmen
(2018-12-12)The present thesis deals with the price optimization of retail companies and the associated challenges for small and medium-sized enterprises. Above all in the German trade market the price represents one of the central ... -
Entwicklung eines modularen Rehabilitationsverfahrens für Patienten mit Zustand nach Polytrauma der unteren Extremitäten auf der Grundlage sportwissenschaftlicher Gesetzmäßigkeiten
(2004-03-25)On the basis of the discussion of injury mechanisms at the movement apparatus, further contents relevant to the topic such as biomechanical basics, medical rehabilitation and the legal basis ... -
Entwicklung interkultureller Kompetenz in Deutsch als Fremdsprachenunterricht
(2012-07-04)Debated across disciplines - "Intercultural Competence" - is perceived nowadays not only as a highly topical construct but also as a controversial one. The approach to the intercultural competence development, which could be ... -
Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Computerprogramms zur Förderung töpferischer Fähigkeiten bei Grundschülern
(2004-05-05)Working with clay is one of the oldest means with which children may discover, learn or experience their physical, mental and sensual abilities. These personal experi-ences of forming clay ... -
Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Lernstilinventars für das musikalische Lernen (Lernen und Üben mit Musikinstrumenten), nach dem Modell von Schmeck
(2005-11-17)Learning and/or lifelong learning represents a challenge in our time. Learning should not only take place as teacher-oriented in formal educational institutions, but also the learners ... -
Entwicklungsverläufe akademischer Selbstkonzepte und schulischer Leistungen nach dem Übergang in differentielle Lernumwelten der Sekundarstufe I
(2010-08-27)In Germany students change to a tracked system of Secondary school after Primary school. For students attending the Gymnasium the higher class-average achievement leads to lower academic ... -
Equality of Pays and Wage Behaviours: Micro and Macro Perspectives of Indonesia Labour Market
(2020-03-09)This dissertation analyses labour market imperfections from both microeconomic and macroeconomic perspectives, and incorporates empirical examinations of equality of pays and wage behaviours drawing on the Indonesian labour ... -
Erbabgeordnete in Japan - Entstehung und Zukunft eines Rekrutierungspfades
(2006-08-17)In this doctor thesis the political recruitment in Japan is investigated. The thesis has its focus on so called politicians by inheritage (seshûdaigishi). A term that can be used for every ... -
Erlebnismarketing für die Besucher von Sportveranstaltungen
(2003-01-08)Sport-events have been changing into commercial areas in which several functions for the visitor and Spectator have been maintained. The core-product of a Sport-Event like a game of the ... -
Ernährungsverhalten und Essstörungsgefahr bei den chinesischen Jugendlichen
(2008-09-30)Background:There are raising reports in China about psychological and psychosomatic disorders among youth with China's economic development, for example eating disorders. Studies in ... -
Erwerbstätig oder Hausfrau?
(2013-06-20)Over the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s the female employment in Europe increased while simultaneously there was a decline of male employment. However in spite of the policy change towards an “adult worker model” women are more ... -
“Es sind Deutsche, in unseren Augen sowjetische Satelliten...”: Christdemokratische Grundwerte der Adenauer-CDU im Spiegel der deutsch-deutschen Teilung und in Ableitung auf den realsozialistischen Osten (1945 bis 1966)
(2012-08-29)The dissertation of Karolina Lang-Vöge is entitled “‘They are Germans, from our point of view, Soviet satellites... ’ : Christian democratic values in the Adenauer-CDU reflected by the division of Germany and in regard ... -
Essays about Prerequisites for the Regulation of Risk Communication in Supply Chains with Respect to the European Community Regulation on Chemicals REACH (EC) No 1907/2006
(2017-07-11)The European Community Regulation on Chemicals (REACH) is supposed to be a modern and intelligent regulation. It entered into effect on June 1, 2007 and remains in its implementation phase. The modern and intelligent aspects ... -
Essays in Behavioral Labor Economics
(2017-11-22)The dissertation presents a collection of essays that deal with behavioral aspects on labor markets and focus especially on social interactions. Each Chapter from 2 to 5 represents one separate project/essay. In this general ... -
Essays in Development and Health Economics
(2023-03-06)This dissertation consists of four essays, which are all based on primary data. In the first essay, we describe and attempt to explain the state and functionality of pre-schools (Anganwadi Centres) in Bihar, India. We find ... -
Essays in Development Economics and Global Health
(2023-10-02)The chapters in this dissertation provide insights into different aspects of the SDG research agenda. The chapters also both incorporate publicly available secondary data sources as well as newly collected survey data. ... -
Essays in Development Economics: Democracy and Education
(2016-05-04)Essay 1: We reexamine the effect of economic development on the level of democracy based on the data sets of Acemoglu et al. (2008) with a novel regression specification utilizing a zero-one-inflated beta distribution for ...