Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Title
Now showing items 21-40 of 549
Das Altenheim - immer noch eine "Totale Institution" ?
(2004-12-20)The PhD thesis focuses on the concept of the "total institution" which has been developed by Erving Goffman with a mental hospital serving as an example. In principle, the concept claims ... -
‚Alte’ Kompetenzen für neue Geschäftsmodelle?
(2013-09-25)This study focusses on successful corporate adaptation strategies in the transformation process of the East German industry. Despite the broad research on the East German transformation this phenomenon is quite unexplored. ... -
Ambition und Leibdistanz.
(2007-02-07)The interdisciplinary study (pedagogics, sociology, history, literature) looks at the biographies and educational opportunities of social climbers from educationally disadvantaged social ... -
An economic analysis of community-based tourism in Thailand
(2011-04-27)This study constructs a panel data 2003 and 2007, a social accounting matrix (SAM) and a computable general equilibrium model (CGE) in 2007 to investigate the effect of tourism on ... -
Eine Analyse der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 1998 in Frankreich mit Hilfe einer sportartspezifischen Methode der systematischen Spielbeobachtung
(2004-05-26)Some other factors of the game couldn't be investigated, here, as running of players without ball and the technical and tactical abilities of the goal keeper. These components of the game ... -
Analyse des Sportunterrichts in der Arabischen Republik Ägypten
(2004-10-15)The Egyptian sport didactics has to fight 1. The still which is missing empirical examination of the assumption that the sports facilities for sport instruction are badly equipped, with ... -
Analysis of Implied Volatility Surfaces
(2007-05-30)The volatility of financial assets is an important parameter in risk managemant, portfolio trading and option pricing. Implied volatility (IV) is obtained from the well known Black-Scholes (BS) formula for option pricing, ... -
Analysis of option returns in perfect and imperfect markets
(2020-05-20)The thesis studies index and equity option returns in perfect and imperfect markets to explain parts of the option mispricing puzzle. Perfect markets exist under informational efficiency, market completeness and frictionless ... -
Analyzing the Analyst. Heuristics and Biases, Group Decision-Making and Rational Herding in Forecasting Experiments
(2014-07-25)Analyzing the Analyst. Heuristics and Biases, Group Decision-Making and Rational Herding in Forecasting Experiments -
Angst und Leistung im Rahmen der Katastrophentheorie - Untersuchungen zum optimalen Erregungsniveau bei Fallschirmspringern
(2004-06-09)This dissertation deals with modelling the relationship of anxiety and sports performance through catastrophe surfaces and with defining an optimal arousal level for skydiving. In a theoretic ... -
Angst vor dem Floating", "Angst vor festen Wechselkursen" und makroökonomische Performance
(2009-09-04)This study examines the reasons for the discrepancy between the exchange rate regime that a country states (de jure exchange rate regime) and the exchange rate regime this country follows in reality (de facto exchange ... -
Anmeldung und Feststellung von Forderungen im Insolvenzverfahren
(2011-04-19)The dissertation analyzes the insolvency proceedings according to §§ 174 ff. InsO. The proceedings of filing and determination of claims are examined. The preconditions for the creation and ... -
Applications of Advanced Time Series Models to Analyze the Time-varying Relationship between Macroeconomics, Fundamentals and Pan-European Industry Portfolios
(2008-05-09)This thesis is concerned with the modeling of time-varying sensitivities in financial markets. Although interest in applying advanced time series techniques, such as the Kalman filter and Markov regime switching models, ... -
Arbeitnehmermitbestimmung in supranationalen Gesellschaftsformen am Beispiel der SPE
(2014-09-30)There is no consistent European solution of worker participation on board level so far. Compromise solutions are necessary to realize under company law projects on a European level (SE, SCE for example). The author analyzes ... -
Arbeitsgerichtliches Schiedsverfahren und zivilrechtliche Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit: Harmonisierungsbedürfnisse unter Berücksichtigung neuer Perspektiven für Schiedsgerichte des Arbeitsrechts
(2020-08-27)While the legislature completely revised the Tenth Book of the Code of Civil Procedure in 1997, it deliberately left the provisions of §§ 101 ff. of the Labour Court Act unchanged. The author compares the rules of civil ... -
Arbeitsmarktpolitik, Gewerkschaften und Arbeitgeber
(2000-12-13)Although the comparative labour market research often highlights the importance of the incorporation of trade unions and employers' organisations into the formulation and implementation of ... -
Die Arbeitsplätze deutscher Personaldienstleistungsunternehmen - Arbeitgeberwahrnehmung und Motivationsqualität im Kontext der arbeitssozialen Situation Zeitarbeitender
(2018-05-28)This dissertation addresses one of the least investigated topics in terms of sociological research thus far. The thematic of Temporary Employment and Subcontracted Work has been discussed controversially in the media for ... -
Arbeitspolitischer Pragmatismus
(2021-10-13)Continuous improvement process (CIP) is an essential part of lean production management and integrated production systems. It intends the active participation of all employees in improving process quality and productivity. ... -
Arbeitsteilung der Eltern
(2021-12-10)Family sociological research has so far neglected the importance of child age as an explanation of how parents divide up gainful employment, housework and childcare. It is obvious, however, that an ... -
Arzthaftungsrecht in China--Grundzüge, Entwicklung und Vergleich mit dem deutschen Recht
(2011-07-20)This doctoral thesis mainly described the Chinese law about medical malpractice. Besides a summarizing overview of German medical malpractice law, the author reported on the development, ...