Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Title
Now showing items 318-337 of 561
Measuring European Economic Integration
(2014-03-13)The three essays of this dissertation contribute to the measurement of European economic integration and investigate the welfare effects of the European countries. The first study presents a newly developed index – the EU ... -
Medien, Journalismus und Public Relations
(2001-06-13)The central issue of the present study is the system theory of Niklas Luhmann that within the last three decades became the mainstream of scientific media, journalism and public relations ... -
Messung der Vulnerabilität der Armut - Eine statistische Analyse mit deutschen Paneldaten
(2012-11-06)In order to reduce poverty it is clearly of interest to identify, not only those households that are poor, but also those that are at risk of becoming poor, i.e. vulnerable to poverty. In this research, the accuracy of ... -
Meta-research in times of data science: Using automation, machine learning, and modern econometrics to analyze open science in economics and related fields
(2024-12-18)This cumulative doctoral thesis applies different data science techniques to the field of meta-research. On the one hand, the output of this thesis are large and robust research data sets. On the other hand, the thesis ... -
Methoden und Mittel zur Verbesserung des statischen und dynamischen Muskelverhaltens bei haltungsbedingten Beschwerden:ein Trainings- und bewegungswissenschaftlicher Vergleich zwischen haltungsverbessernden, sensomotorischen Einlegesohlen und einem gesundheitsorientiertem, rehabilitativen Muskelaufbautraining
(2008-04-30)The aim of this study was to detect whether the sensomotoric system or rather the muscle state can be influenced by the external effects of posture-improving Sensomotoric Insoles and/or a rehabilitatives muscle ... -
Micro-Level Impacts of Conflict and the Duration of Armed Groups
(2013-09-30)Political instability and political violence have been a major hindrance for development in developing and transition countries. Development and progress for countries is hard to achieve under the presence of armed conflict, ... -
Microanalyses of Voting, Regulation and Higher Education
(2015-06-22)This dissertation contains economic microanalyses of voting, regulation and higher education. It is about individual decisions, institutions, and the incentives the latter create. Three chapters of this dissertation are ... -
Microeconomic Analyses of the Causes and Consequences of Political Violence
(2015-07-28)Violent conflict is common among the poorest countries and clearly one of the most important barriers to growth, destroying physical, human, and social capital, often in the long run. At the same time, it is a development ... -
Microenterprise Performance and Economic Development: Evidence from Mexico
(2017-07-12)Microenterprises dominate the economic landscape in Mexico and are the main employment and income providers of people that are vulnerable to poverty. The overreaching research question of this thesis is how microenterprise ... -
Migration und Migrationspolitik im Zuge des Transformationsprozesses seit 1989 – am Beispiel Polen.
(2015-09-03)In political science Poland is a popular choice for transformation research, either in comparative investigations or individual case studies. It is far less usual for the country to be employed as a subject of migration ... -
Migrationsstress, Alter und Lernen - Betrachtungen der Zusammenhänge sowie Implikationen für die Didaktik (am Beispiel in Deutschland lebender, gealterter türkischstämmiger Menschen)
(2011-08-10)This work deals with the concept of knowledge transfer with relation to elderly immigrants with language barriers. Using the grounded theory as both a scientific theoretical basis for empirical hypotheses and as developmental ... -
Mobile Applications from a Value in Use Perspective and their Impact on Retailing
(2021-06-25)With the rise of smartphone use during shopping, retail management has begun to exploit their newfound strategic opportunity to connect with customers via mobile applications. Accordingly, a current subject of academic and ... -
Modeling Approaches in Educational Research
(2017-02-03)This dissertation focuses on three different questions in the field of education, using the method of theoretical modeling. The subject discussed first refers to the existence of tuition fees. If the personal question of ... -
Modernisierung und Erweiterung des staatlichen Bildungswesens in Taiwan im Zeitraum von 1885 bis 1987
(2012-01-09)This paper contributes to the historical research into modernization and expansion of public education in Taiwan between 1885 and 1987 from the establishment of the province of Taiwan ... -
Moment Risk Premiums in Option Markets: On Measurement, Structure, and Investment Implications
(2021-11-16)Rational investors are in general risk averse. An important implication of this risk aversion is that investors may demand compensation for certain risks they take – risk premiums. Moment risk premiums are an example of ... -
Money demand in dollarized countries: an empirical investigation
(2010-05-28)This thesis deals about money demand functions for a broad monetary aggregates in dollarized countries. The countries under consideration are Paraguay, Peru and Argentina. Empirical models ... -
Motivation & Motivierung zum Alterssport
(2004-12-09)Due to a lack of theoretical funding of both, sport- and exercise-related research on motivation and the field of investigation 'sport and exercise in advanced age', this thesis develops a ... -
Motivation von Seniorinnen und Senioren zur sportlichen Betätigung: Eine empirische Untersuchung mittels qualitativer Interviews in und um Göttingen.
(2015-07-22)This dissertation aims at solving the question why some seniors start participating in sporting activities while others remain inactive. A focus on the target group of senior citizens is of growing importance due to ... -
Multi-criteria Decision Making for Energy System Evaluation
(2022-04-01)Multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) is a field of knowledge in Operations Research that can help decision-makers make transparent and auditable decisions in a logical manner. It offers methods that help to choose suitable ... -
Multidimensional Perspectives on Poverty
(2016-10-24)Concurrent to the widespread use of traditional income or consumption based measures for determining human development, there has been growing interest in the economics of happiness since the late 70s. Likewise, there is ...