Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Title
Now showing items 407-426 of 560
Retail Innovation – The User Acceptance of Mobile Service Technologies and the Effect on Retailer
(2019-05-27)The usage of smartphones is on the brink of revolutionizing the way people shop and emphasizes the strategic importance of mobile services for retailers. This holds especial importance for the customer interface design ... -
Rettungsszenarien im Widerstreit-
(2009-04-27)Since several years discussions on the Islam shape the political and medial discourses on multiculturalism and integration in Western European immigration societies. The recourse to the ... -
Die Rezeption des Wunders von Bern durch Printmedien in England, Frankreich, Österreich und der Schweiz - ein Beitrag zu einem der Gründungsmythen der Bundesrepublik auf Quellenbasis ausgewählter Tages- und Wochenzeitungen
(2011-06-03)The miracle of Berne ( Wunder von Bern ), which means the highly surprising victory of the Western German football team at the world cup 1954 in Switzerland, has become a fixed term in ... -
Der richterliche Rechtsschutz im Rahmen der Rechtmäßigkeitskontrolle bei Grundrechtseingriffen
(2017-10-26)The criminal dogmatic treatment of and case law doctrine on reasonable grounds in Colombia do not adequately clarify aspects as essential as purpose, need for concretion, precision and determination of reasonable grounds. ... -
Risikosport - interdisziplinäre Annäherung, empirische Befunde und Anwendungsbezüge
(2006-04-27)This dissertation develops an interdisciplinary theory concerning extreme sports. As a foundation, a less scientific approach is used. It will then approach a theoretical and empirical ... -
Risk, Conflict and Challenges in the Context of Emerging Economies
(2012-10-02)Motivated by the growing relevance of the so-called Emerging Economies, this doctoral thesis conducts an empirical analysis grounded in three sub-disciplines of empirical economic research. In three essays, this work ... -
Risks and Risk Premiums in Commodity Markets
(2014-02-21)This PhD thesis investigates risks and risk premiums in commodities markets. Two chapters discuss the risks premium in interconnected electricity markets. One chapter develops a model for price spikes, and the risks of ... -
Risks, Insurance, Shocks: Case Study and Experimental Evidence from Colombia
(2014-07-07)In this dissertation I present novel findings that analyze the effects of insurances on the resilience to shocks and household's risk taking behavior. Moreover, the question is raised as to whether there could actually be ... -
Robo-Advice: The Digitalization and Automation of Financial Advice
(2022-09-30)This cumulative dissertation consists of and critically discusses five peer-reviewed and co-authored publications by me about the digitalization and automation of financial advice, so-called Robo-Advice (RA). The dissertation ... -
Rural Livelihood, Migration, and Human Capital Formation: The Ethiopian Case
(2008-01-25)This dissertation identifies rural livelihood, migration, and human capital formation as the three major elements of rural-urban linkages which help to transform a predominantly agrarian ... -
Sadder but wiser
(1997-04-08) -
Das Scheitern der gesundheitspolitischen Steuerungsversuche der ersten rot-grünen Bundesregierung im Arzneimittelwesen
(2005-12-27)This paper is concerned with an investigation of the health policy of the Social Democratic/ Green Party coalition government during the whole of its first period of office in the years ... -
Das Schengener Informationssystem
(2013-11-01)This doctoral dissertation deals mainly with the first generation of the Schengen information system, SIS. It decribes the way to an European electronic search system, its functionality and its regulatory framework. Items ... -
Schenkungen aus dem Vermögen Betreuter unter rechtsvergleichender Betrachtung der Erwachsenenschutzrechte und deren Entwicklung in Österreich und der Schweiz
(2008-06-13)Donations from the assets of an assisted appear at first glance always exclusively with disadvantages for those affected tainted, but his property without appropriate compensation reduced. ... -
Schulleiterinnen und Schulleiter im Spannungsverhältnis zwischen programmatischen Zielvorgaben und alltäglicher Praxis
(2007-02-21)In the context of this dissertation, the professional approaches of head-teachers were examined. The aim was to reinforce the knowledge of school management activities and at the same time ... -
Schwerkranke und Sterbende auf der Palliataivstation und im Hospiz. Eine vergleichende, verlaufsorientierte Studie von zwei exemplarischen Betreuungsmodellen
(2008-08-07)The primary xobjective of this paper is a comparison of the everday working practice within these two institutional models, the hospice and the palliative floor, with special emphasis on ... -
Selbstorganisation Jugendlicher und Selbstorganisationsförderung durch kommunale Jugendarbeit
(2005-07-12)In the framework of a qualitative study 62 educational specialists were interviewed about their experiences with respect to attempts to help youth organise themselves and with regard to how ... -
Self-writing around 1900
(2019-07-29)This dissertation analyzes the multiplicity and ambiguity of modern, urban identities in New York City around 1900. For this purpose, I take into account works of four writers who lived in New York City. Close reading their ... -
Semi-analytische und simulative Kreditrisikomessung synthetischer Collateralized Debt Obligations bei heterogenen Referenzportfolios
(2006-06-02)Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs) have nowadays become an integral part of all asset-backed securities issuances. It is noteworthy that credit derivative-based synthetic CDO structures ...