Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Title
Now showing items 415-434 of 546
Semi-analytische und simulative Kreditrisikomessung synthetischer Collateralized Debt Obligations bei heterogenen Referenzportfolios
(2006-06-02)Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs) have nowadays become an integral part of all asset-backed securities issuances. It is noteworthy that credit derivative-based synthetic CDO structures ... -
Semi-Parametric Distributional Regression in Forestry and Ecology
(2023-08-10)Recent advances in machine learning software, such as automatic differentiation and just-in-time (JIT) compilation, have significantly changed machine learning research. They have accelerated model development and contributed ... -
Semiparametric Structure Guided by Prior Knowledge with Applications in Economics
(2011-05-27)Among many developments in statistical modelling in recent years, non- and semiparametric methods have proved to be a particularly powerful data-analytic tool. Nevertheless, there still ... -
Sicherstellung bedarfsgerechter pflegerischer Langzeitversorgung in Deutschland
(2023-11-22)In view of demographic change, ensuring long-term care of the elderly is one of the key current and future challenges in Germany. Due to the increasing number of people in need of care, the dissolution of family networks, ... -
Simple Solutions to hard Problems in the Estimation and Prediction of Welfare Distributions
(2011-06-01)The aim of my PhD projects is to investigate various problems in applied parametric and nonparametric estimation, and eventually in prediction. The main focus is on welfare analysis. For instance, in both nonparametric density ... -
Simultane Planung von Investitions- und Finanzierungsprogrammen bei mehrfacher Entscheidungsfolge
(2008-03-20)One of the optimizations theory is the investment financial model which based on both "H. Hax" (1964, Investitions- und Finanzplanung mit Hilfe der linearen Programmierung) and "H. M. Weingartner" (1963, Mathematical ... -
SME Innovation in Regional Innovation Systems
(2023-08-31)This dissertation analyzes innovations in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) using the concept of regional innovation systems (RIS). The research shows the heterogeneity of innovation processes in SMEs and regions ... -
Social Capital, Trust, and Economic Growth
(2007-11-15)Taking panel data and using a fixed-effects estimation for a 41-country sample over the time period from 1980 to 2004 and with a total of 129 observations, the thesis points out that economic ... -
Social Identity in the Provision and Protection of Cultural Goods
(2015-02-23)The dissertation consists of two parts. The first part investigates whether and how to protect cultural goods. In particular, Chapter II analyses how the notion of social identity affects the respective demand for protection ... -
Social platforms: New places and times of (non)fulfillment of working obligations. A comparative study of the Italian and German legal systems
(2022-04-28)The communication opportunities offered by social networks tend to support the inclination to let everyone know everything, not infrequently with effects on the work activity. This opens up new scenarios that are no ... -
Social Structures and Response to Misconduct: An Empirical Analysis of Economic, Social, and Psychological Factors in Norm Enforcement
(2024-06-18)This dissertation investigates norm enforcement in various social and economic contexts, particularly focusing on third-party reporting, public goods provision, and corporate environments. Through a series of laboratory ... -
Soziale Chancengerechtigkeit durch Gesamtschulen. Können Gesamtschulen dazu beitragen sekundäre Herkunftseffekte am Übergang nach der Sekundarstufe I zu reduzieren?
(2017-03-16)The German education system is currently changing from a multi-track to a two-track school system, where after primary school – at the age of 10 – students are sorted onto two different types of schools according to their ... -
Soziale Erwünschtheit im Licht des Rational-Choice Ansatzes
(2015-02-19)Social desirability (SD) is often mentioned as cause of unexpected results. It describes the tendency of respondents to present semself in front of interviewers, third party or a fictitious public in a "good light", ... -
Die soziale Konstruktion des impliziten Arbeitsvertrages: Entwicklung und sozioökonomische Bedingungen
(2012-12-13)The conditions framing employment relationships have enormously changed in the last decades. In answer to the internationalization of markets firms implement new management concepts and foster work flexibilization. ... -
Sozialtherapie im offenen Jugendvollzug
(2004-03-18)The present investigation provides an evaluation of the treatement in the section "Social Therapy" in the open juvenile penal institution Göttingen-Leineberg. From August 1996 to October ... -
Sportlich-handlungsorientiertes Lernen von berufstätigen Erwachsenen im Kontext eines systemisch-konstruktivistischen Ansatzes.
(2010-03-24)The objective of this research is to show a correlation between the application of the methodical-didactical concept of outdoor action learning and the results in learning (Transfer ... -
Ein stochastisches Modell zur Beschreibung stündlichen Niederschlages
(1999)A Neyman-Scott cluster process model for hourly precipitation is developed that accounts for seasonality by the model parameters being continuous sinusoidal functions of time. The process is fitted to a set of 27 years of ... -
Die strafrechtliche Behandlung von Eltern minderjähriger Täter
(2003-06-03)The object of this work was to determine whether insufficient parental supervision and care of children and juveniles can lead to a punishment of the parents themselves, in the case where the juvenile or child commits a ... -
Strafwirkungen und Rückfall - Lässt sich mit Hilfe prozesserzeugter Daten der Strafrechtspflege der spezialpräventive Anspruch des Strafrechts prüfen?
(2014-06-10)Individual prevention – meant as the reduction of recidivism via rehabilitation, deterrence and incapacitation – is seen as one of the most important tasks of criminal justice. In contrast to this the labeling approach ...