Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Title
Now showing items 443-462 of 558
Die strafrechtliche Behandlung von Eltern minderjähriger Täter
(2003-06-03)The object of this work was to determine whether insufficient parental supervision and care of children and juveniles can lead to a punishment of the parents themselves, in the case where the juvenile or child commits a ... -
Strafwirkungen und Rückfall - Lässt sich mit Hilfe prozesserzeugter Daten der Strafrechtspflege der spezialpräventive Anspruch des Strafrechts prüfen?
(2014-06-10)Individual prevention – meant as the reduction of recidivism via rehabilitation, deterrence and incapacitation – is seen as one of the most important tasks of criminal justice. In contrast to this the labeling approach ... -
Die strategische Situation der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie in Marokko
(2006-07-21)The main goal of the thesis is to explore the opportunities of doing foreign direct investment in the moroccan textile and clothing industry. Therefor the chances of such an investment will be discussed in the first ... -
Student Performance in Higher Education: Ability, Class Attendance, Mobility and the Bologna Process
(2016-12-14)The thesis “Student Performance in Higher Education: Ability, Class Attendance, Mobility and the Bologna Process” empirically analyzes determinants of students’ success at university. Administrative student data as well ... -
Studies on Digital Transformation and its Implications for Business Models and Corporate Communication
(2022-10-19)Due to an ongoing digitalization of societies and businesses and an increasingly intense and complex competitive environment, incumbent firms need to stay up to date with technological advancements and digitally transform ... -
Studies on Employees’ Information Security Awareness
(2015-06-15)Living in a digital age, where all kinds of information are accessible electronically at all times, organizations worldwide struggle to keep their information assets secure. It is assumed that 50 - 70 % of overall information ... -
Studies on the performance structure and relevant parameters determining individual performance in the Paralympic port Alpine Skiing - Case Study
(2013-08-09)This study directed at athletes from the German Paralympic Alpine Ski Team (DPS), encompasses an overall evaluation focused on two main assessments, together with some complementary tests. Most of the athletes involved are ... -
Studies on the Returns to Education in Germany
(2012-01-11)This doctoral dissertation provides three contributions to the economics and econometrics of education. More specifically, based on data from the German Socio-economic Panel (SOEP), the papers are concerned with the ... -
Subjective theories and behaviours in physical education of Italian primary school teachers. Applying a superstructure model to study specialist-generalist teachers differences and the effects of a physical education professional development programme
(2011-06-29)Relevance of the research. Important international organizations and educational authorities recognize the power of sport in contributing to healthy child development. Healthy lifestyles ... -
Die Subjektivierung der allgemeinen Völkerrechtsregeln im Sinne des Art. 25 Satz 2 GG
(2021-08-30)The present dissertation deals with the legal status of the individual as an individual under international law and the historical development of Article 25 sentence 2 of the Basic Law since the Basic Law was passed in ... -
Supply Chain Risk Management Study of the Indonesian Seaweed Industry
(2015-07-29)Seaweed supply chains in Indonesia, especially carrageenan and agar products are subject to disruptions from both inside their companies and in their external networks, such as yield, quality, price, and infrastructures. ... -
Sustainability in Retailing – Environmental Effects of Transport Processes, Shopping Trips and Related Consumer Behaviour
(2013-10-01)This thesis is concerned with sustainability in retailing. It begins with a literature review that provides deeper insights into relevant developments in retail research and practice with a focus on sustainability developments. ... -
Ein systemorientierter Ansatz zur Modularisierung von Planspielen mit dem Ziel der Komplexitätssteuerung und Integration in Standardsoftware
(2006-09-22)This dissertation evaluates existing deficits in using business games and, based on this, derives explicit fields of interest. An outer and an inner modularization are proposed and exemplified ... -
Der Tapeverband am Sprunggelenk als technischer Bestandteil zur Leistungssteigerung im Sport am Beispiel des Fosbury Flops
Tapferkeit als unbestimmter Rechtsbegriff
(2024-10-08)Bravery as a undefined legal term Jurisprudence has been accompanied by undefined legal terms throughout its history. Bravery is one such term, and the Legal Status of Military Personnel Act is not the only law in Germany ... -
Telling stories or solving problems? The 20-20-20 package and the efficiency of EU Climate Change Policies
(2016-06-20)The main instrument for the EU climate change protection plans relies on the 20-20-20 by 2020 targets. This roadmap, adopted in 2008, is the result of years of continuing work for a joint programme for Europe-wide application ... -
Textual Information in Analyst Reports and its Value for Decision Support
(2023-02-16)The profession of financial analysts requires skills that cannot be replaced even by today’s most cutting-edge analytical tools. Instead, ongoing globalization and the increasing interconnectedness of international financial ... -
(Thai-)Land in Bewegung: Nostalgien und inländische Tourismusmobilitäten
(2018-11-21)This dissertation examines the manifold mobility dynamics and social transformations in which the development of domestic tourism in Thailand is embedded. It is based on ethnographic fieldwork in Chiang Khan, a small town ... -
The Analysis of the International Legal Water Regime of the Mekong River Basin
(2017-03-09)On 27 August 2014, the world famous 1997 Convention on the Law of the Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses (the 1997 UNWC) entered into force. This event once again made international water law become a hot ... -
The Application of Chatbots at the Digital Workplace in Businesses - Empirical Insights and Design Recommendations for Business Chatbots
(2022-06-17)Driven by the ongoing digitalization, businesses and work procedures change, established paper-based ways of working vanish, and new forms of digital collaboration or office and working structures are emerging. Besides ...