Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Title
Now showing items 526-545 of 561
Viele Wege führen nach Indien - Reorganisation von Arbeit im Zuge der Internationalisierung der IT-Industrie
(2011-09-09)Recent developments have caused important changes in the IT industry: while being considered comparatively resistant to international relocation of jobs for a long time, the IT industry's ... -
Von Laeken bis Lissabon: Der Reformprozess der Europäischen Union in deutschen Politikschulbüchern
(2020-02-12)In this dissertation, the chapters on the European Union (EU) from German textbooks for political education are analyzed in their context. It is assumed that textbooks are pedagogical, cultural and political media whose ... -
Die Wahrnehmung des Bildungsangebots durch arme Haushalte in Entwicklungsländern
(2004-04-23)This thesis investigates the factors that determine the demand for education in developing countries as well as the difference in the demand of poor and rich households. Next to a discussion ... -
Wahrnehmung und Vorstellung von Bewegungen - Studien im Kontext des Erwerbs sportlicher Fertigkeiten in der Kindheit
(2015-01-23)This thesis explored children´s motor and cognitive achievements while they were learning an athletic skill. For that purpose a method for measuring mental imagery of movements in young children was developed. The ... -
Weisungen zur Schuldenregulierung im Rahmen der §§ 56 c I, II Nr.1 und 56 d StGB in der strafrechtlichen Praxis
(2007-04-26)The research deals with the fact that the Order for the purpose of rehabilitation and settlement integrated into the StGB and which is possible as such: Order of the economic relations ... -
Well-Being and Shocks: Challenges in Poverty Measurement and Analysis
(2023-11-17)Goal 1 of the Sustainable Development Goals calls for a world free of poverty in 2030. Over the last decades, the world has made much progress in reducing poverty. However, COVID-19 has shown that these gains can be reversed ... -
Wettbewerb im öffentlichen Schulwesen: Strategische Interaktion und Politikinnovation in US-amerikanischen Schuldistrikten
(2006-10-25)Several empirical studies on the innovation activity of local jurisdictions are presented. Focussing on the innovation activity of local school districts in the US, structural evidence on ... -
What Explains European Union Member State Behaviors toward the Responsibility Sharing for People in Clear Need of International Protection? Bargaining Power in the EU Refugee Regime
(2022-03-14)The EU faced unprecedented refugee flows in the crucial year 2015 as the result of the civil war in Syria started in 2011 and the following political destabilization in the Middle East countries. In particular, first entry ... -
What Inclusion Leaves Out: Dalit Women, Feminism and the "Afterlives" of Educational Policy in Contemporary India
(2023-11-23)This dissertation tells the story about the beginnings, transformations and ‘afterlives’ of a set of education policies and programmes (the National Education Policy of 1986 and the Mahila Samakhya programme) that introduced ... -
When Friends Give Bad Advice
(2020-04-07)Recommendations are common in everyday interactions of consumers and strongly impact consumption decisions. Thus, understanding the driving forces that make consumers follow recommendations is equally relevant for managers ... -
When Knowledge Travels. Expert Networks in African Security Policy. Case Studies of AU and ECOWAS.
(2019-02-04)Why do the security mechanisms of the African Union (AU) and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) resemble the United Nations Security Council, and each other? This thesis argues that the existing literature ... -
Why to Change Job(s)?
(2015-11-23)India has been undergoing a socio-economic transformation over the last two decades. One of the most impressive and visible changes has been the growing presence of girls and women in schools, colleges, universities, ... -
"Wie ein Vogel, der mit zwei Flügeln fliegt"
(2023-01-12)The dissertation focuses on highly religious Muslims in Germany who are involved in activities of their own religious community as well as in non-religious civil society organisations. They are thus committed to society ... -
Wie heilig sind Wald und Wasser? Die Rolle von Landschaftskonzepten im Disput um Tourismusentwicklung in einem Naturschutzgebiet in Nordbali, Indonesien
(2020-12-17)This social anthropological study deals with the tug-of-war which arose at the emergence of two investment projects in the Nature Recreation Area of Buyan-Tamblingan in Northern Bali (Indonesia). The conflict was triggered ... -
Wie viel Abstraktion erträgt die Lernwirksamkeit?
(2006-11-06)The central issue of this thesis is the subject of abstraction in teaching and learning processes through the use of models. The use of graphical verbal models is said to improve three-dimensional ... -
"Wir schützen unseren Park".
(2015-12-16)The dissertation focuses on the Pendjari National Park in northern Benin, founded as an animal protection area in 1954 under French colonial rule. Since then it has been object of often conflictual negotiations between ... -
Die Wirkmächtigkeit von masyarakat adat
(2018-12-11)In 2007 Pratt called on social scientists to concentrate on the generativity of indigeneity. Heeding his call, this dissertation focusses on the multiplicity of processes induced by an identification as masyarakat adat. ... -
Wirkung föderaler Strukturen in der staatlichen Innovationsförderung
(2015-07-10)Public innovation support claims to reach out to firms facing barriers to innovate, especially smaller firms. Earlier studies showed that governmental programmes do not fulfil those aims. But the distinctions between ... -
Die Wirkung von Incentives auf die Antwortqualität in Umfragen
(2015-11-30)In Social Sciences standardized surveys are an approved and frequently used elicitation method to get insight into attitudes of population groups. In the last decades however there has been a notable decline in the ... -
Wirtschafts- und Währungsintegration im westafrikanischen Raum unter Berücksichtigung der Besonderheiten informeller Aktivitäten
(2001-10-30)The definition of a new strategy for the integration of the developing countries in the world economy is one of the main research questions and there are many explanations for the failing of the real economy as well as the ...