Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Title
Now showing items 55-74 of 561
Die Bedeutung der intrinsischen Motivation in Prinzipal-Agent-Beziehungen am Beispiel der Beratungsstellen kirchlicher Wohlfahrtsverbände
(2005-02-28)This thesis examines whether and how economic organization theory especially in the form of principal agent theory, can be extended by the factor of 'intrinsic motivation'. Following previous ... -
Die Bedeutung des sozialen Einflusses für selbstbezogene Markenfunktionen
(2009-11-05)The starting point of this work is the deficit in brand research in social perspective implied by buying brand acquisitions. Models of consumer choice should be extended to include the ... -
Beeinflussung regionaler Kaufkraftströme durch den Autobahnlückenschluß der A 49 Kassel-Gießen
(2004-12-20)This thesis intends to empirically verify the core-periphery-model of the "New Economic Geography". This model investigates the impact of economies of scale and transport costs on the ... -
Behavioral Interventions and Students' Success at University - Evidence from Randomized Field Experiments
(2022-01-20)Research over the past decades has documented the various individual and social returns to tertiary education. In many countries, however, the realization of those returns is jeopardized by high dropout rates and delayed ... -
Beiträge zur empirischen Untersuchung von Aufkommens- und Verhaltenswirkungen der Unternehmensbesteuerung
(2014-02-17)Taxes influence the outcome of business activity in various ways and are thus expected to impact the decisions and behavior of taxpayers. Understanding these behavioral effects of taxation is therefore an important ... -
Beiträge zur Messung und empirischen Analyse des Einflusses von Steuerasymmetrien auf Investitionsentscheidungen
(2018-02-26)Existing tax laws are usually characterized by a lack of decision-making neutrality of taxation, as is required from an economic perspective to ensure efficient allocation of resources and from a business perspective to ... -
Die Belastung und Belastbarkeit von Schwimmtauchern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Konfiguration der Ausrüstung sowie des passiven und dynamischen Widerstands - dargestellt anhand von objektivierenden Untersuchungsmethoden
(2005-02-24)The currents were determined in a swimming flume. The current data were taken in that area where the subjects were swimming. The force sensor was calibrated and a formula for calculating ... -
Berufsausbildung in Deutschland und den USA
(2003-07-25)In this work the author answers the question why in the history of the USA different initiatives to introduce a German-like national apprenticeship system have failed to sustain. The ... -
Berufsvorbereitung durch Career Services im Rahmen der universitären Ausbildung
(2002-12-11)The main subject of this dissertation is to outline the development of career service institutions at German universities from their conceptional beginning until their final foundation. ... -
Besonderheiten von Produkten aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Wahl effizienter Koordinationsformen in B2B-Geschäftsbeziehungen
(2016-01-26)This thesis investigates the specific characteristics of products from renewable resources and analyses how they affect the choice of efficient coordination mechanisms in business-to-business relationships. Due to the ... -
Bestimmung der prägenden Wesenszüge im Sport der griechisch-römischen Antike
(2014-06-25)This dissertation emphasizes and determines the poignant characteristics of Greco-Roman sports. Our work is primarily based on the sources of classical philology and archaeology. The period we examine is ranging from the ... -
Bestimmungsgründe von Existenzgründungen im Handwerk unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des sozioökonomischen Ansatzes
(2003-04-09)Due to the pecularities of the crafts sector it seems that the common explanation pattern of start-up dynamics could not be applied to crafts start-ups. This work persues the questions what ... -
Better Banking Through Crises
(2024-10-29)Already in the 2000s, the monetary and financial system and its mechanisms of action increasingly became the focus of economic and social sciences. The financial crisis of 2007 and the subsequent euro crisis acted as ... -
Between Faith and Truth: The Historiography of Buddhism in Modern China (1902-1965)
(2021-11-29)The historiography of Buddhism 佛教史學) in modern China develops under the influence of modernity and amidst dramatic transformations in the Chinese intellectual world. It combines the philological tradition of Evidential ... -
Beyond punishment: Achieving sustainable compliance with the law. The case of coca-reducing policies in Colombia
(2015-04-21)The problem of illegal drugs is not contained in producing countries, but represents a global threat. My research focuses on how to achieve illegal crop reduction and compliance with the law in a sustainable fashion without ... -
Biases and Heuristics in Portfolio Management – Determinants for non-optimal Portfolio Diversification
(2019-02-22)Markowitz (1952) shows that it is useful for risk-averse investors to split capital among different investment instruments. Practice shows, however, that investors often have non-optimal diversified portfolios. There are ... -
Bildungsberatung Jugendlicher mit geringen formalen Bildungsqualifikationen
(2024-08-28)The dissertation takes as its starting point educational policy objectives pursued at EU and federal level, which call for the expansion of educational counselling. Given the background of changing social requirements, ... -
Biographische Bildungs-und Individualisierungsprozesse in Suedkorea
(2012-01-17)The biographical procedures of individualization as well as Adult education in South Korea, which have been dealt with in this dissertation, embrace both biographical educational concepts ... -
Business and Financial Cycles in a Globalized World
(2022-08-15)This dissertation consists of three independent research papers and contributes to the empirical analysis of the interaction between business and financial cycles from different perspectives. The first paper uses a non-linear ...