Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Title
Now showing items 91-110 of 561
Credit Access, Networks, Institutions and Performance of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Insights from Vietnam
(2018-03-01)Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role in developing and transition economies. Recently, more attention has been paid to the role of networks and institutions in improving firm performance. By using ... -
Cultural and attitudinal influences on destination choice
(2008-05-27)This study contributes to the knowledge base for a more sustainable development of Chinese domestic tourism from a demand side perspective. Economic valuation is based on choice experiment (CE) data from a survey of ... -
Cultural Property und Cultural Heritage. Eine ethnologische Analyse internationaler Konzeptionen im Vergleich
(2007-09-25)The following thesis deals with the conceptional change from cultural property to cultural heritage within the UNESCO. The draft of cultural property was first established through the UNESCO ... -
Current Issues in Rural Development: Land Tenure, Land Use Change and Climate Change
(2024-10-10)This doctoral dissertation is composed of three scientific articles investigating the role of land tenure on agricultural productivity, the responses of smallholders to climate change, and the consequences of Large-Scale ... -
Customer satisfaction in the food sector
(2009-03-18)Customer satisfaction research has evolved into an established marketing instrument in scientific literature for considerable time, and is also applied in business practice. Particularly ... -
DDR-Justiz vor Gericht
(2008-08-27)A stock-taking for the processing of the perversion of justice offenses committed in GDR. -
Decision Making in Fragile Settings
(2023-10-17)This dissertation presents three independent studies investigating decision-making in fragile settings. Researchers and policymakers have recognized fighting conflict and fragility as a key strategy in the fight against ... -
Decision Support for Credit Risk Management Using Alternative Data
(2023-02-16)The digitization of economic activity of individuals and organizations has been a significant trend in recent decades. This shift creates incentives to collect and process data relevant to the information needs of diverse ... -
Decision Support for the Planning of Production Systems for Renewable Resources
(2022-09-27)For the substitution of fossil fuels with renewables, the use of biomass in production processes is often considered ambivalent regarding economic viability and other sustainability criteria. To address the sustainability ... -
Decision Support Systems for Financial Market Surveillance
(2017-01-12)Financial decision support systems have become an important research topic and are also of great interest to practitioners. On one hand, the financial regulatory authorities are faced with tracking an increasing amount of ... -
Decision-making, uncertainty and the predictability of financial markets: Essays on interest rates, crude oil prices and exchange rates
(2018-05-24)Decision-makers are confronted with decisions under uncertainty. Financial uncertainty may adversely affect growth. Theoretically, forecasts may potentially reduce uncertainty and create economic value. Focusing on survey ... -
Deliberative Ideale im Kontext informeller Bürgerbeteiligung
(2017-04-07)Deliberative participation arrangements are understood to fulfill three criteria: (1) they enable an effective involvement of citizens; (2) they take place in pre-conceived settings and thus do not occur spontaneously; (3) ... -
Dependence in macroeconomic variables: Assessing instantaneous and persistent relations between and within time series
(2017-10-10)The present thesis comprises two rather independent chapters. In general, the diagnosis and quantification of dependence is a major aim of econometric studies. Along these lines, the concept of dependence serves as an ... -
Design Principles of Mobile Information Systems in the Digital Transformation of the Workplace - Utilization of Smartwatch-based Information Systems in the Corporate Context
(2021-01-26)During the last decades, smartwatches emerged as an innovative and promising technology and hit the consumer market due to the accessibility of affordable devices and predominant acceptance caused by the considerable ... -
Design, Implementierung und Anwendung eines dynamischen Mikro-Simulationsmodells zur Abschätzung von Steuerreformen in Deutschland und der Europäischen Union
(2016-12-14)Potential tax reforms are regularly on the agenda of the political debate in Germany and Europe. The expected revenue and distribution effects of tax reforms are quantified by simulation models, which are thus used for ... -
Designing fiscal policy
(2023-04-24)This dissertation, comprising three academic papers, deals with the trade-off between fiscal sustainability and macroeconomic stabilization. The first paper examines the specification of fiscal reaction functions: We argue ... -
Desirable and Undesirable Effects of Product Presentation Tools on Online and Offline Behavior
(2019-02-27)Online retailing is lacking the opportunity to touch and try tangible products before purchase. Thus, a complete judgement of the main product characteristics is not possible and customers’ uncertainty increases. In case ... -
Determinanten der Einstellung zu Studienbeiträgen – Ergebnisse von Online-Umfragen unter Studierenden
(2016-08-29)In this thesis the question arose which determinants affect the attitude towards tuition fees. Two approaches within the Social Sciences can explain attitudes in general: the economic approach and the ideological approach. ... -
Determinants of Child Development in India
(2021-03-29)To overcome poverty, strengthening human development is crucial. However, today 250 million children younger than 5 years in low-income and middle-income countries are likely not to attain their full development potential. ... -
Determinants of Human Cooperation
(2017-12-13)The present book adds to the broad field of investigations concerning what affects and determines human cooperation. It provides new insights into internal and external factors that influence such decisions. Rather than ...