Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Advisor & Referee "Seeber, Susan Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Leistungsfähigkeit beruflicher Ausbildung: Empirische Beiträge zur Beurteilung der systemisch-ökonomischen und individuellen Perspektive
(2024-06-27)The objective of this thesis is to adopt a more nuanced approach to examining the current performance-related challenges within the vocational education and training (VET) system. The focus is on two key issues that have ... -
Konstruktbasierte Bestimmung domänenorientierter komplexer Problemlösefähigkeit mit Komplexen Standardisierten Itemsequenzen
(2024-02-21)Die Fähigkeit, komplexe Probleme zu lösen, hat als Forschungsgegenstand in den vergangenen Jahren merklich das Interesse der Erziehungswissenschaften auf sich gezogen. Auch in ihrer Ausformung zur Kompetenz gilt sie als ... -
Digitization of High-Stakes Exams
(2023-08-31)The opportunities for digitization in education have been addressed in research and practice for a long time. These extend across all components of the Curriculum-Instruction-Assessment (CIA) triad according to PELLEGRINO ... -
The influence of vocational education and training on innovation
(2023-08-22)My dissertation aims at analyzing the relevance of vocational education and training (VET) on firm innovation in Germany. It makes a twofold contribution to the innovation literature: Firstly, it complements studies on ... -
Förderung von Belastungs-Beanspruchungs-Bewältigung bei Auszubildenden in der Pflege
(2023-06-02)The nursing profession is characterized by a particularly high stress level. This in turn has an impact on the quality of care and the retention of nurses. Against the backdrop of an aging society and the resulting increasing ... -
Zur Ermittlung individueller, lernfeldspezifischer und institutioneller Einflussfaktoren auf den Lerntransfer in der betrieblichen Weiterbildung: Eine empirische Untersuchung mit Weiterbildungsteilnehmenden aus dem Hotelgewerbe
(2021-11-16)The hotel sector is facing special challenges, such as the acute shortage of skilled workers and rising service standards. Company-sponsored further training is regarded as an appropriate measure for keeping pace with these ... -
Studies on the Returns to Education in Germany
(2012-01-11)This doctoral dissertation provides three contributions to the economics and econometrics of education. More specifically, based on data from the German Socio-economic Panel (SOEP), the papers are concerned with the ...