Browsing Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften by Advisor "Krüger, Arnd Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Motivation von Seniorinnen und Senioren zur sportlichen Betätigung: Eine empirische Untersuchung mittels qualitativer Interviews in und um Göttingen.
(2015-07-22)This dissertation aims at solving the question why some seniors start participating in sporting activities while others remain inactive. A focus on the target group of senior citizens is of growing importance due to ... -
Perspektiven des Hochschulsports als Marke der Universität
(2014-08-06)Academic Sport Services are an essential part of university culture, student life and academic education at many institutions of higher education, while at some places such as the University of Göttingen they have been ... -
Bestimmung der prägenden Wesenszüge im Sport der griechisch-römischen Antike
(2014-06-25)This dissertation emphasizes and determines the poignant characteristics of Greco-Roman sports. Our work is primarily based on the sources of classical philology and archaeology. The period we examine is ranging from the ... -
AKTIKA - Die Aktivitätskapazität von Patienten mit Rückenschmerzen
(2014-02-06)Patients with back pain suffer basically from pain and physical activity limitations. Their performance capacity in physical activities and participation in life is reduced. Also, national and international guidelines for ... -
Emotionen und Erlebnisse beim Public Viewing
(2010-06-02)The dissertation presents a fundamental contribution of sports sciences to a current and socially significant discourse. Television broadcastings of socially relevant events have long been ... -
Sportlich-handlungsorientiertes Lernen von berufstätigen Erwachsenen im Kontext eines systemisch-konstruktivistischen Ansatzes.
(2010-03-24)The objective of this research is to show a correlation between the application of the methodical-didactical concept of outdoor action learning and the results in learning (Transfer ... -
Risikosport - interdisziplinäre Annäherung, empirische Befunde und Anwendungsbezüge
(2006-04-27)This dissertation develops an interdisciplinary theory concerning extreme sports. As a foundation, a less scientific approach is used. It will then approach a theoretical and empirical ... -
Der Tapeverband am Sprunggelenk als technischer Bestandteil zur Leistungssteigerung im Sport am Beispiel des Fosbury Flops
Die Finten im Boxen. Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der Olympischen Spiele Sydney 2000
(2004-07-13)As the amount of KOs in boxing has been constantly decreasing over the past twenty years, technical and tactical elements have become more and more important. This includes the art of ... -
Angst und Leistung im Rahmen der Katastrophentheorie - Untersuchungen zum optimalen Erregungsniveau bei Fallschirmspringern
(2004-06-09)This dissertation deals with modelling the relationship of anxiety and sports performance through catastrophe surfaces and with defining an optimal arousal level for skydiving. In a theoretic ... -
Eine Analyse der Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 1998 in Frankreich mit Hilfe einer sportartspezifischen Methode der systematischen Spielbeobachtung
(2004-05-26)Some other factors of the game couldn't be investigated, here, as running of players without ball and the technical and tactical abilities of the goal keeper. These components of the game ... -
Marketing-Management in den deutschen und den ägyptischen Sportverbänden.
(2003-11-14)The sport federations stand in competition with other federations, with commercial and new leisure enterprises. The sport federations compete with the other federations for members potenial members, spectators ... -
Die Probleme des Trainings von Gewichthebern im Kindes- und Jugendalter
(2003-11-14)Selected anthropometric, biological and medical features were examined at eleven Weightlifters in Childhood and Adolescence.The main aim of this study was to examine the physical changes ... -
Sadder but wiser