Solar surface flows during active region emergence
von Nils Gottschling
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2021-11-08
Betreuer:Prof. Dr. Laurent Gizon
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Laurent Gizon
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Andreas Tilgner
Description:Cover: front page, back page, binding edge
The aim of this thesis is to improve our understanding of the emergence of magnetic flux in the form of active regions (ARs) to the solar surface. Active regions are concentrations of strong magnetic field at the surface of the Sun. Their emergence is not yet fully understood. To help better constrain the underlying principles of flux emergence, and thus better understand the role of ARs in the conversion of toroidal to poloidal field in the context of the solar dynamo, I analyze the surface flows associated with active regions during their emergence phase and assess the impact of these flows on the magnetic flux transport in the first days after emergence. For the study of the surface flows, I use ten years of data from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) together with a sample of 182 emerging active regions (EARs). The flows are derived using the method of local correlation tracking (LCT), which in this case measures the motions of the solar convective granulation pattern on the surface of the Sun in continuum intensity images. In the first part of this thesis, I validate the LCT data by tests with synthetic flow features as well as by cross-correlating them with flows inferred from direct Doppler imaging. I analyze the average temporal evolution of the flows associated with the sample of 182 EARs, relative to the time of emergence and in subsamples with respect to the unsigned magnetic flux and latitude. I find that one day prior to emergence, converging flows towards the AR location form, irrespective of the eventual total unsigned flux of the AR. After emergence, inflows around the ARs form. The time between emergence and the time at which these inflows form increases with the AR magnetic flux, from one to four days after emergence in the sample used here. These inflows are mainly in the latitudinal direction, have velocities on the order of 50 m/s, and extend to about 8° from the AR center. On the solar surface, magnetic flux is transported by the various flows. In the second part of this thesis, I study the evolution of the magnetic field of 17 active regions in a local surface flux transport model (SFTM). The simulation considers diffusion as well as advection by an imposed flow field. For the latter, I use the flow measurements from LCT, as well as parameterized flow fields that model the observed inflows around ARs. The simulations show that the supergranular motions buffet the magnetic field in a way that is consistent with the evolution of the observed field. I find that the SFTM is applicable once the bulk of the AR flux has emerged. The parameterized flows increase the flux loss of the AR due to cancellation, which is balanced by a decrease due to advection. The twist of magnetic field lines is a property of ARs which in some models is important for forming coherent flux tubes. The vortical flows around EARs can be used as a tracer of twisting motions of AR polarities. Analyzing the vortical flows around a sample of 20 EARs, I find an average opposite sign of vorticity between the two polarities.
Keywords: Sun: activity; Sun: magnetic fields; sunspots