Nanoskalauntersuchungen vom zellulären Metabolismus mittels Sekundärionen-Massenspektrometrie
by Lena Karsten
Date of Examination:2022-12-05
Date of issue:2022-11-15
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Silvio O. Rizzoli
Referee:Prof. Dr. Silvio O. Rizzoli
Referee:Prof. Dr. Henning Urlaub
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Alzheimer is the most neurodegenerative disease. Hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease ist he pathological accumulation of the proteins Aβ and Tau. The aggregates of these accumulation are called Aβ-plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. The metabolism of the aggregates is discussed controversially - if the Aβ-plaques and neurofibrillary tangles show a structural stability or if they are in dynamic equilibrium with their environment. Moreover, some studies suggest that the aggregation is promoted by an hyperphosphorylation of Aβ and Tau. Therefore two transgenic mice 5xFAD and P301L were choosed for investigation. 5xFAD has five familial mutations and forms Aβ-plaques, P301L forms neurofibrillary tangles.The 27 weeks old mice were fed with 13C-Lysin enriched food for three weeks. Three weeks later, the mice were perfused, sections of brain were made and the sections were stained with antibodies against Aβ (6E10) or Tau (PHF-1). Subsequently, the sections were embedded in LR- White and microtome sections were made. Two fluorescence pictures and seven NanoSIMS pictures were compiled by one preparation. Four areas -aggregates, non-aggregates, unspecific signal and background- were defined with the fluorescence picture. NanoSIMS was used for the isotopical investigation of these areas. Therefore the ratios 13C14N/12C14N, 31P/12C14N and 31P/32S were determined and analysed statistically. Moreover, the areas aggregate, non-aggregate and unspecific signal were investigated from center to periphery with linescans. The aggregates in both mice showed significantly the lowest grade of 13C incorporation. Furthermore, the periphery of aggregates shows a significant higher grade of incorporation. Therefore, the aggregates show a stability in center and a dynamic in periphery. This is why they can called metastabile. The investigation of phosphorylation exhibits that the aggregates are not hyperphosphorylated but maybe the hyperphosphorylation is more important in sporadic alzheimer with late onset.
Keywords: alzheimer