Mild production of reactive oxygen species reversibly affects the metabolism and function of the heart
Doctoral thesis
Date of Examination:2022-12-20
Date of issue:2023-01-25
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Dörthe Katschinski
Referee:Prof. Dr. Stephan E. Lehnart
Referee:Prof. Dr. Sven Thoms
Referee:Prof. Dr. Thomas Meyer
Referee:PD Dr. Antje Ebert
Referee:Prof. Dr. Susanne Lutz
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Name:Ana Maria Vergel Leon_Ph.D. Thesis.pdf
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are molecular oxygen derivatives that are produced as an attribute of aerobic life. The relationship between elevated levels of ROS and heart failure (HF) has been extensively studied. However, the exact physiopathology and redox signaling pathways underlying this pathophysiological condition remain unclear. We established a genetically modified mouse model able to detect and produce hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by combining the HyPer biosensor and the D-amino acid oxidase (DAO) enzyme. To this end, we generated HyPer-DAO mice that express the H2O2 generator/detector fusion protein with a nuclear localization signal and targeted by the αMHC promoter specifically in cardiomyocytes (CMS). Hence, the HyPer-DAO fusion protein served as the chemogenetic tool to produce and probe the presence of H2O2 in the nucleus of cardiomyocytes. Once HyPer-DAO nuclear expression and functionality were validated, morphometric analysis and echocardiographic examination excluded any type of cardiac failure specifically due to the presence of the transgene. In vivo experiments were carried out to induce H2O2 through oral administration of D-ala treatment via drinking water. These resulted in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) demonstrated by standard (B-mode and M-mode) and advanced (strain and strain rate) echocardiographic analysis. This effect was reversed after the cessation of treatment, which was supported by the recovery of contractile function. After treatment and subsequent H2O2 elevation, strain analysis demonstrated a myocardial ionotropic impairment during systole, whereas no changes were observed in diastole. Furthermore, the absence of fibrosis and structural changes were proven by histology and echocardiography, respectively. The observed phenotype in the mice developed under a mild increase in H2O2 production demonstrated by activation of ROS target genes exclusively sensitive to low levels of H2O2. Using simulated myocardial biomechanics, we demonstrated a decrease in isometric force after H2O2 induction upon D-ala treatment in left ventricular slides obtained from the HyPer-DAO mice. The impairment of inotropic function was reversed by prior incubation with an antioxidant agent, concluding that the changes in contractility are due to redox modifications. Redox proteomics analysis was applied to identify target proteins that were modified by H2O2. The IDH3γ protein was the redox-modified candidate that captured our attention because of its relevant role in the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle. IDH3γ is the regulatory subunit of the IDH3 tetramer, which consists of two catalytically active α-subunits, one β and one γ-subunit. IDH3 activity was found to be increased after D-ala treatment and H2O2 induction in isolated cardiomyocytes and HEK cells with stable overexpression of HyPer-DAO in the nucleus. ATP Abstract 20 levels decreased after H2O2 induction in concordance with the decrease of contractility. The increase in IDH3 activity was reversed after the cessation of treatment which is consistent with the restoration of inotropic functionality observed in the transgenic mice. Our results highlight the importance of redox switch regulators such as IDH3γ, which regulate mitochondrial energy metabolism and cardiac contractility under oxidative stress.
Keywords: Reactive oxygen species (ROS); heart failure (HF); hydrogen peroxide (H2O2); D-amino acid oxidase (DAO); cardiomyocytes (CMS); echocardiography; isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH)