Electrochemical Benzylic C−H Fluorination and 4d-Metallaelectro-Catalyzed C−H and C−C Functionalizations
von Alexej Scheremetjew
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2023-03-02
Betreuer:Prof. Dr. Lutz Ackermann
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Lutz Ackermann
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Shoubhik Das
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Dietmar Stalke
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Nadja A. Simeth
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Johannes C. L. Walker
Gutachter:Dr. Daniel Janßen-Müller
Direct functionalizations of C−H and C−C bonds have emerged as time-saving and cost-effective alternatives to established cross-coupling reactions. However, oxidative coupling variants require stoichiometric amounts of oxidants, so that usually either ecologically and economically questionable reagents, such as noble metal salts, or combustion-promoting oxygen are resorted to. With the aid of electrochemistry, the stoichiometry of the redox reaction can be reduced to its quintessence: the electron transfer. Production and waste treatment costs, as well as the safety hazard, can be significantly reduced as a result. In addition, working at minimal overvoltages could also contribute to a broader applicability of a comparable reaction with chemical oxidants. In view of these advantageous features, the implementability of electrolysis in the field of C−H and C−C functionalizations is investigated using three different reactions. In the first project, an undirected and metal-free electrochemical fluorination of benzylic C−H bonds was developed. The reaction worked using inexpensive triethyl amine trihydrofluoride as a source of nucleophilic fluoride, which conveniently also ensured the electrical conductivity of the system. The key factor for the remarkable tolerance to functional groups and excellent chemoselectivity was the use of HFIP as cosolvent. In the second project, the electrification of a ruthenium-catalyzed decarboxylative C−H alkenylation was attempted. This particular transformation generally gave rather moderate yields and showed limited tolerance to functional groups. Due to the need for nonpolar reaction media, which are inherently unfavorable for electrolysis, the activation of electrolytes with high nonpolar solvent content was investigated. Finally, an electrochemical net dehydrogenative C−C/C−H coupling was achieved by rhodium catalysis and the aid of a removable directing group. The optimized reaction conditions enabled the synthesis of diaryl-substituted E-alkenes in a user-friendly undivided electrochemical cell. The reaction exhibited excellent regioselectivity, so that even sterically congested 1,2,3-substituted arenes were obtained in good yields.
Keywords: Electrochemistry; Electrocatalysis; C−H Activation; C−C Activation; Transition Metal Catalysis; Alkenylation; Electrochemical Fluorination