Complex Dynamics in the Spread of COVID-19
von Sebastian Antonio Contreras Gonzalez
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2023-04-28
Betreuer:Prof. Dr. Viola Priesemann
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Stefan Klumpp
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Eberhard Bodenschatz
Gutachter:Dr. Michael Prof Wilczek
Gutachter:Prof. Dr Anne Jun.-Wald
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Theo Geisel
The COVID-19 pandemic is the most recent example that infectious diseases can disrupt and permanently alter how societies work and interact. This manuscript builds around a series of papers studying disease spread from the point of view of dynamical systems, using the COVID-19 pandemic as a working example. We first study the effect of including test-trace-and-isolate policies in compartmental models and describe their dynamical regimes. We find two tipping points between controlled and uncontrolled spread, defining a novel stable regime at low case numbers where long-term pandemic control is feasible with fewer restrictions. This regime, dependent on the contact behavior and the maximum contact tracing capacity, also maximizes freedom when rolling out a vaccine. Besides, in a minimal model with delayed contact tracing, we found that the delay can induce sustained oscillations through a Hopf bifurcation. We then explored the effects of including behavior as an effective feedback loop between incidence, and both contact rates and vaccination willingness. We found that if the leeway for voluntary action is large enough, a major surge in case numbers is prevented through the behavioral feedback loop. This suggests that societies implicitly agree on an incidence level they tolerate, which in the end constitutes the endemic equilibrium of the disease, and dynamically adapt their behavior to keep case numbers around this level. However, the stability of this equilibrium can be lost through Hopf bifurcations and period-doubling cascades to chaos. This points to the next major research question: How do agents, on average, make decisions with partial information from widely unobserved complex systems? We finish this manuscript proposing a hybrid methodology combining deterministic models for disease spread and stochastic sampling to assess the efficacy of sample selection protocols for, e.g., genomic surveillance, which is adaptable to general dynamical systems that are not in equilibrium.
Keywords: COVID-19; Infectious diseases; Dynamical systems; Behavior; Genomic surveillance; Public health; Epidemics; Non-pharmaceutical interventions; Pharmaceutical interventions; Pandemics; Mathematical modelling