Insights into nitrogen fluxes in different dairy production systems in northwest Germany
Doctoral thesis
Date of Examination:2023-06-27
Date of issue:2023-08-31
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Johannes Isselstein
Referee:Prof. Dr. Johannes Isselstein
Referee:Prof. Dr. Klaus Dittert
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Local nutrient surpluses are a global challenge and pose a risk for ecosystems. Nitrogen (N) is particularly important in this context, as it is a main plant nutrient and necessary for a promoted plant growth in agricultural food production. The essential need to ensure a sufficient (global) food production faces several negative aspects that can be related to N surpluses in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems: loss of biodiversity, changes in species composition, eutrophication, acidification, and water pollution. Therefore, an efficient use of N (and all other nutrients) in agricultural systems is crucial. Our aim was to gain insights into N fluxes in different dairy production systems in northwest Germany. Two methodical approaches were used to analyse N fluxes. The first approach is a method used at the experimental plot and farm scale: analysing the natural abundance of 15N and 13C using isotopic signatures. The second approach is a method used at the farm scale: applying a farm gate balance for N and P. In the first study, a grassland field trial was used to simulate different forage production systems. On a plot scale, isotopic measurements of the natural abundance of 15N in aboveground biomass and topsoil were conducted. The experiment comprised of different N fertilizer managements (organic N and synthetic N). An isotopic signal could already be detected after a period of 2-3 years of consistent management, due to a combined effect of time and N surpluses. A drought period in the last experimental year (2018) limited N utilization, led to large N surpluses, and thus boosted the isotopic signal. In a second study, the method of isotopic measurements was expanded from the plot scale to the farm scale. On dairy farms in northwest Germany, measurements of the natural abundance of 13C in cow tail hair and cow slurry were conducted to gain information about the proportion of maize in cow diet. The method was applied under a wide range of environmental conditions. A relationship between δ13C values in cattle hair and the dietary proportion of maize could be confirmed. Additionally, a relationship between 13C cow tail hair and the proportion of maize of total agricultural farm area was detected. Considering the debate on feed-food competition this enables conclusions on the amount of forage that is produced on arable land compared to grassland. The third study examines nitrogen and phosphorus (P) fluxes on the same dairy farms using a different approach at the farm scale: the gross farm gate balance. This method records all N and P inputs and outputs of a farm for one year. Farm gate balances for the farms were calculated over three consecutive years (2019-2021). Results show that the N surplus on farm is mainly influenced by the purchase of synthetic fertilizer, whereas a P surplus is mainly influenced by the purchase of additional forage. Moreover, we also found that the farm gate balances were strongly affected by annual weather conditions – thus on productive or less yielding grass swards. Market-related effects played a role, too; higher prices for synthetic N clearly limited the purchase of N fertilizer. Furthermore, we applied three proposals for an upcoming amendment of the Ordinance for Substance Flow Analysis Germany (StoffBilV) for the assessment of N surpluses to the farm data. Generally, dairy farms should be able to fulfil the requirements; however, N efficiency could be further improved, and dairy farms are vulnerable to weather related changes in productivity caused by drought or calamities (severe damages to the sward by field mice). In the last study, both methodical approaches for tracing N fluxes (isotopic measurements and farm gate balances) were combined to examine whether one method allows to draw conclusions about the other and vice versa. Only a weak relationship was detected between the isotopic signatures (δ15N) of topsoil and aboveground biomass and gross N farm gate balance. At the farm level, the relationship between δ15N values of cow slurry and the respective gross N farm gate balance was slightly stronger. However, there remains a gap between information gathered at the field and at the farm scale. In conclusion, this thesis gives valuable insights into N fluxes on forage production systems and dairy farms in northwest Germany. Different approaches provide good results for each scale level. A transfer of information derived at one scale to another scale remains difficult because of the complexity of various influencing factors. Still, there are some factors that lead to lower nutrient surpluses: less use of synthetic fertilizer combined with a higher N use efficiency of organic fertilizer; feeding with concentrates for dairy cows adjusted to the actual need; and the production of high-quality forage to minimize the need for additional concentrates. Those factors do not only promote the economic success of a farm but also reduce a potential negative influence on the environmental effect.
Keywords: nitrogen; natural abundance; isotopes; forage production; dairy farm; balances