Dreidimensionale Gegenüberstellung von Planungszielen und postoperativen Ergebnissen bei konventioneller und digitaler Planung von Umstellungsosteotomien
by Timon Kahlmeier
Date of Examination:2023-10-24
Date of issue:2023-10-23
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Philipp Franz Meyer-Marcotty
Referee:Prof. Dr. Philipp Franz Meyer-Marcotty
Referee:Prof. Dr. Philipp Kauffmann
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Pronounced jaw malpositions in adults require surgical treatment, typically involving an interdisciplinary approach between orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery. Preoperative planning is crucial, as it aids in achieving the correct jaw positioning. However, there can be discrepancies between the planned and actual outcomes, influenced by both the surgical technique and the planning method. This study compares the postoperative results of two planning methods used between 2016 and 2019 at the University Medical Center Göttingen. The planning methods fall into conventional (based on plaster models) and digital categories (based on CBCT images). Digital planning reduces technical steps while improving visualization, and this study aims to determine if it leads to greater precision compared to conventional planning. The study involved 26 patients for each method, with no significant impact based on malocclusion types. The planned and the actual postoperative results were investigated by three-dimensional alignment of the virtual sculls. Therefore a digitalization of the conventional planning method was necessary. Inaccuracies were measured by three-dimensional angles and distances and a surface analysis. While differences between the two planning methods were not statistically significant, all measurements deviated significantly from the desired accuracy. The lowest success rate was observed for vertical movement, with 46% success in digital planning and 73% in conventional planning, defining success as a deviation of less than 2 mm. Sagittal movements achieved success rates of 85% (digital) and 89% (conventional) but were significantly related to vertical inaccuracies in terms of precision. The surface analysis revealed a root mean square deviation of 1.3 mm (conventional) and 1.5 mm (digital). The study emphasizes the importance of intraoperative controls and suggests the potential of modified CAD/CAM splints and titanium plates. Digital planning provides similar accuracy to conventional planning with added benefits in visualization, simulation, communication, and efficiency due to the three-dimensional skull model.
Keywords: Malocclusion; Orthodontic-surgical treatment; Maxillary positioning; Accuracy; Orthognathic surgery