Browsing Juristische Fakultät by Title
Now showing items 21-35 of 35
Rechtstransfer durch Praktikerliteratur am Beispiel des polnischen Juristen Bartholomäus Groicki (um 1534 ― 1605)
(2024-03-21)The dissertation presents the life and work of a Polish jurist fron Cracow, Bartholomus Groicki. Groicki was a learned jurist, who dedicated his professional life to the jurisdiction of Cracow, and an author of several ... -
Der richterliche Rechtsschutz im Rahmen der Rechtmäßigkeitskontrolle bei Grundrechtseingriffen
(2017-10-26)The criminal dogmatic treatment of and case law doctrine on reasonable grounds in Colombia do not adequately clarify aspects as essential as purpose, need for concretion, precision and determination of reasonable grounds. ... -
Das Schengener Informationssystem
(2013-11-01)This doctoral dissertation deals mainly with the first generation of the Schengen information system, SIS. It decribes the way to an European electronic search system, its functionality and its regulatory framework. Items ... -
Schenkungen aus dem Vermögen Betreuter unter rechtsvergleichender Betrachtung der Erwachsenenschutzrechte und deren Entwicklung in Österreich und der Schweiz
(2008-06-13)Donations from the assets of an assisted appear at first glance always exclusively with disadvantages for those affected tainted, but his property without appropriate compensation reduced. ... -
Social platforms: New places and times of (non)fulfillment of working obligations. A comparative study of the Italian and German legal systems
(2022-04-28)The communication opportunities offered by social networks tend to support the inclination to let everyone know everything, not infrequently with effects on the work activity. This opens up new scenarios that are no ... -
Sozialtherapie im offenen Jugendvollzug
(2004-03-18)The present investigation provides an evaluation of the treatement in the section "Social Therapy" in the open juvenile penal institution Göttingen-Leineberg. From August 1996 to October ... -
Die strafrechtliche Behandlung von Eltern minderjähriger Täter
(2003-06-03)The object of this work was to determine whether insufficient parental supervision and care of children and juveniles can lead to a punishment of the parents themselves, in the case where the juvenile or child commits a ... -
Die Subjektivierung der allgemeinen Völkerrechtsregeln im Sinne des Art. 25 Satz 2 GG
(2021-08-30)The present dissertation deals with the legal status of the individual as an individual under international law and the historical development of Article 25 sentence 2 of the Basic Law since the Basic Law was passed in ... -
Tapferkeit als unbestimmter Rechtsbegriff
(2024-10-08)Bravery as a undefined legal term Jurisprudence has been accompanied by undefined legal terms throughout its history. Bravery is one such term, and the Legal Status of Military Personnel Act is not the only law in Germany ... -
The Analysis of the International Legal Water Regime of the Mekong River Basin
(2017-03-09)On 27 August 2014, the world famous 1997 Convention on the Law of the Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses (the 1997 UNWC) entered into force. This event once again made international water law become a hot ... -
The Regulation of Transborder Data Flows from the EU to China Within the Framework of China-EU E-Commerce under the GDPR
(2023-12-06)With the promulgation of the General Data Protection Regulation, the protection of personal data in the EU has reached a historically high level. However, the EU cannot keep the personal data of its residents inside of the ... -
Verwirkungsklauseln und Pflichtteilsrecht bei der Vererbung von Personengesellschaftsanteilen - Ein deutsch-schweizerischer Rechtsvergleich
(2013-01-09)The work deals with the admissibility of the use of penalty clause in wills against legitimate of compulsory portion by a person shareholder. The Swiss and German law are first presented separately and then considered ... -
Weisungen zur Schuldenregulierung im Rahmen der §§ 56 c I, II Nr.1 und 56 d StGB in der strafrechtlichen Praxis
(2007-04-26)The research deals with the fact that the Order for the purpose of rehabilitation and settlement integrated into the StGB and which is possible as such: Order of the economic relations ... -
Writ - Claim form - Klage
(2006-07-11)The author examines the development of forms of action from a historical and comparative point of view, starting with the Middle Ages Major aspects are the lega eir how ng from opposite ...