Browsing Juristische Fakultät by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-35 of 35
Die Rechtsnachfolge im Polizeirecht
(2009-03-18)This work examines examples of the decontamination duty of legal succession in police law. It deals with the decontamination responsibilities of the legal successors for the hazardous soil ... -
DDR-Justiz vor Gericht
(2008-08-27)A stock-taking for the processing of the perversion of justice offenses committed in GDR. -
Das Diskriminierungsverbot im Zivilrecht
(2008-07-08)The present work examines the impotance of discrimination bans in the german civil law. His first part looks into the question of the existence of such bans at international and national ... -
Schenkungen aus dem Vermögen Betreuter unter rechtsvergleichender Betrachtung der Erwachsenenschutzrechte und deren Entwicklung in Österreich und der Schweiz
(2008-06-13)Donations from the assets of an assisted appear at first glance always exclusively with disadvantages for those affected tainted, but his property without appropriate compensation reduced. ... -
Das Klageerzwingungsverfahren
(2008-05-28)The dissertation represents the significance of the klageerzwingungsverfahren and contains an analysis of the practical meaning today. -
Die ökonomische Kompensation im Scheidungsfolgenrecht von Chile und die ehelichen Lebensverhältnisse beim nachehelichen Unterhalt im deutschen Recht
(2007-05-10)This article provides a comparison of the institution of Chilean marriage laws, called economic compensation (article 61 et seq. of the Civil Marriage Law)--a usually unique payment that ... -
Weisungen zur Schuldenregulierung im Rahmen der §§ 56 c I, II Nr.1 und 56 d StGB in der strafrechtlichen Praxis
(2007-04-26)The research deals with the fact that the Order for the purpose of rehabilitation and settlement integrated into the StGB and which is possible as such: Order of the economic relations ... -
Probleme in Online-Auktionen
(2006-11-13)Online Auction is a new type of e-commerce. It combines the conventional auction model with modern information technology and more and more economic interactions are involved. This paper ... -
Writ - Claim form - Klage
(2006-07-11)The author examines the development of forms of action from a historical and comparative point of view, starting with the Middle Ages Major aspects are the lega eir how ng from opposite ... -
(Deutsches) Internationales Insolvenzrecht im Umbruch:
(2006-05-30)This thesis is dealing with the hot topics of International Insolvency Law, starting with questionning the competence of local courts to start an insolvency proceeding under local laws and ... -
Die akzessorische Anknüpfung. Grundfragen und Grundprobleme
(2004-09-16)The object of this work was to explain the phenomenon of accessoriness as a connecting factor in Private International Law, to determine it s prerequisites, it s legal and dogmatic base. ... -
Sozialtherapie im offenen Jugendvollzug
(2004-03-18)The present investigation provides an evaluation of the treatement in the section "Social Therapy" in the open juvenile penal institution Göttingen-Leineberg. From August 1996 to October ... -
Mandat und Treuhand im Völkerrecht
(2004-02-26)This thesis deals with the concepts of mandate and trusteeship in international law. In the first historical part of the thesis the legal and historic roots of both concepts are reviewed. ... -
Die strafrechtliche Behandlung von Eltern minderjähriger Täter
(2003-06-03)The object of this work was to determine whether insufficient parental supervision and care of children and juveniles can lead to a punishment of the parents themselves, in the case where the juvenile or child commits a ...