Exploiting the Disulfide/Thiol Switch for Photoinduced Proton-Coupled Multielectron Transfer Reactivity
von Manuel Oelschlegel
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2024-02-29
Betreuer:Prof. Dr. Franc Meyer
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Franc Meyer
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Inke Siewert
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Dirk Schwarzer
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Oliver Wenger
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Anna Krawczuk
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Johannes C. L. Walker
Diese Datei ist bis 28.02.2025 gesperrt.
Energy storage and efficient release has become a pivotal issue for our society relying progressively on renewable energy sources. The dichotomy between harvesting the sun’s energy in daylight hours, and requiring it the most during nighttime, produces the need for prolonged energy storage. Herein, molecular systems capable of performing a reversible single-photon triggered proton-coupled multi-electron transfer (PCET) are established. To achieve accumulation of two electrons from their photo-excited states and their decoupled release in the absence of light, the potential inversion of a disulfide/thiol redox switch is exploited. Assembly of the light harvesting and charge relay unit in one molecular system is accomplished by the combination of a transition-metal photosensitizer and a redox-active disulfide ligand directly coordinated to the metal center. A cyclometalated iridium-, as well as an organometallic rhenium photosensitizer decorated with a disulfide functionality on the bipyridyl ligand periphery, capable of storing two electrons and one proton, are presented. The photophysics of these complexes are investigated using a combination of (ultrafast) spectroscopy and non-adiabatic dynamics simulations, revealing a major influence of disulfide functionalization on the excited-state processes. Uptake of two electrons and one proton from the photo-excited state is achieved on the disulfide, forming a stable thiol-thiolate complex, and the underlying mechanism is investigated. Release of the stored redox equivalents can occur in the form of protons, H atoms, or formal hydride ions, as demonstrated by substrate reactivity and thermodynamic cycles. A comparatively low bond-dissociation free energy is found for the S−H bond of these complexes. This thesis sheds light on the use of disulfides as redox switch in molecular artificial photosynthetic systems and provides valuable insights into their photochemistry, as well as ground-state PCET chemistry.
Keywords: photochemistry; photophysics; disulfide; PCET; hydrogen atom transfer; hydride transfer; redox-active ligand; artificial photosynthesis; photosensitizer