Femtosecond spectroscopy of charge-transfer dynamics in self-assembled Pd(II) based donor-acceptor/host-guest cages and heterobinuclear alkyne-bridged W(II)-Ru(II) and W(II)-Ir(III) complexes
von Jan-Hendrik Georg Günther Borter
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2023-08-04
Betreuer:Prof. Dr. Dirk Schwarzer
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Dirk Schwarzer
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Sven Schneider
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Inke Siewert
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Franc Meyer
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Martin Suhm
Gutachter:Dr. Oliver Bünermann
Using femtosecond UV/vis-pump-UV/vis-probe and -midIR-probe absorption spectroscopy the charge-transfer dynamics of self-assembling donor-acceptor Pd(II) coordination cages and heterobinuclear alkyne-bridged W(II)-Ru(II) and W(II)-Ir(III) complexes were investigated. The cages consisted of ligands with the following chromophore backbones: - Phenothiazine (PTZ)-donor and fluorenone (FLO)-acceptor - Triphenylamine (TPA)-donor and fluorenone (FLO)-acceptor - Phenothiazine (PTZ)-donor/host and anthraquinone (ANQ)-acceptor/guest The first two complexes both consisted of donor and acceptor ligands forming a cage molecule, the third complex was a bare donor cage built around the acceptor as a host-guest compound. A general pattern was discovered for all of them: photoexcitation of specifically the donor created the donor S1 state, from which charge-transfer processes lead to the generation of a short-lived donor radical cation D•+ as was deduced from the time-resolved UV/vis spectra, where bands similar to a chemically oxidized donor cage [Pd2D4]4+ were observed. Those bands decay with at least two different time constants indicating multiple charge-transfer partners. For the donoracceptor cages three time constants with 𝜏1 ≈ 1 ps, 𝜏2 ≈ 100 ps and 𝜏3 > 1 ns were attributed to a ligand-to-metal charge-transfer (LMCT) from donor to Pd(II) and two donor-acceptor chargetransfers (DACT) from donor to acceptor that were assigned to a CT towards an acceptor in cis, the other in trans position to the excited donor. The acceptor radical anion A•− was identified via time-resolved midIR spectroscopy, where, despite practically pure donor excitation, both donor and acceptor bleaches as well as excited state peaks, that were assigned to D•+ and A•− via DFT calculations and spectra of the chemically oxidized/reduced analogues, appeared simultaneously. For the host-guest cage a CT between donor and acceptor was observed as well, however, the A•− was only identified in the time-resolved UV/vis spectra and time-resolved midIR measurements were not possible because the compound was not soluble in any solvent with sufficient IR transparency. The ratio of LMCT to DACT was 60:40 for the PTZ-FLO cage, 50:50 for the TPAFLO cage and for the PTZ-ANQ-host-guest cage 56:44. The heterobinuclear tungsten complexes both showed ultrafast generation of a triplet metal-toligand charge-transfer state (3MLCT) upon photoexcitation that was not converted into a metal-tometal charge-transfer (MMCT) given the small blue-shift in the time-resolved midIR spectra compared to the large shift in the FTIR spectra upon oxidation, but most likely led to a slight reduction of electron density at the W(II). Subsequent relaxation to the electronic ground state within about 60 ps resulted in the vibrational excitation of the anharmonic carbonyl stretching vibration, which was immediately achieved in the mononuclear tungsten complex due to ultrafast internal conversion. Additionally, in the W(II)-Ru(II) complex a far red shifted peak was observed that could not be safely identified, but is assumed to stem from a side-on coordinated carbonyl.
Keywords: femtosecond spectroscopy; transition metal complexes; pump-probe spectroscopy; time-resolved UV/vis spectroscopy; time-resolved midIR spectroscopy; charge-transfer; ultrafast electron dynamics; self-assembling Pd donor-acceptor cages; donor-acceptor charge-transfer; metal-to-metal charge-transfer; transition metal carbonyls; laser spectroscopy; nonlinear optics