On the track of virus yellows resistance in Beta vulgaris - molecular tools and resistance mechanisms for disease management
Kumulative Dissertation
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2023-11-29
Betreuer:Prof. Dr. Mark Varrelmann
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Mark Varrelmann
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Stefan Scholten
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Christina Wege Wege
The virus yellows (VY) diseases complex in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris L.) has been an increasing problem for European beet cultivation since the ban on neonicotinoid seed treatment as it is caused by various aphid-transmissible viruses. These are namely, beet yellows virus (BYV, genus Closterovirus), beet mild yellowing virus (BMYV) and beet chlorosis virus (BChV) (both genus Polerovirus), additionally the non-yellowing beet mosaic virus (BtMV, genus Potyvirus) is also transmitted and therefore considered to be a VY-associated virus. The aim of this work was to identify a recessive resistance to the representatives of the genus Polerovirus and BtMV occurring in Europe. The starting point for this was the fact that both poleroviruses and potyviruses carry a covalently linked viral protein [viral protein genome linked (VPg)] at their 5'-genomic end, which functions as a mRNA cap analogue for viral translation initiation. Previous works have already shown that potyviral VPgs interact with various eukaryotic translation initiation factors (eIFs) of their respective host plants and initiate the translation of the viral genome. If the VPg-eIF interaction is perturbed, for example by a homozygous knockout or specific mutations, this is referred to as recessive resistance. The plant is resistant to infection because no viral translation can occur. In this work, different sugar beet eIF isoforms were investigated for interaction with BtMV-, BMYV- and BChV-VPgs using a yeast two-hybrid (YTH) system and bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assay. All VPgs examined showed interaction with sugar beet Bv-eIF(iso)4E in BiFC and YTH. Interestingly, the BMYV-VPg showed an additional interaction with the functionally redundant isoform Bv-eIF4E in BiFC and YTH. After the potential interaction partners were identified, several T0 knockout sugar beet lines of the different eIFs were generated and subjected to a resistance test against the different virus species. Knockout of Bv-eIF(iso)4E resulted in resistance to BChV, significantly reducing the virus titer in comparison to non-edited sugar beet. No comparable resistance was found for either BtMV or BMYV. The multiple interactions of BMYV-VPg with Bv-eIF(iso)4E and Bv-eIF4E, both in planta and in vitro, give first indications that a simultaneous knockout of the respective eIF4Es may be necessary to achieve resistance against BMYV. However, simultaneous knockout of both eIF4Es is expected to be lethal for sugar beet. Therefore, the identification of eIF mutants that allow mRNA translation but at the same time do not bind to the viral VPg is necessary for future resistance breeding. Nevertheless, one of the main findings of this work is that recessive resistance against poleroviruses is implementable in sugar beet. Although eIF-mediated recessive resistance is mainly described for potyviruses, no resistance could be observed, despite the previously found interaction between BtMV-VPg and Bv-eIF(iso)4E. For this reason, further investigations were carried out in the second part of this work to improve breeding progress to generate BtMV resistance. For this purpose, the first cDNA full-length clone of BtMV was produced, which was infectious in sugar beet via Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated expression and was labelled with fluorescent reporter genes. In addition, a new reporter gene system was developed using the BvMYB1 transcription factor. By using BvMYB1, betalain biosynthesis in beet is stimulated and a red pigmentation visible to the naked eye develops in the leaf wherever active virus replication takes place. As virus levels and pigmentation strongly correlate, this molecular tool will allow a rapid and objective evaluation of symptom expression in beets when screening for resistance in the future. In the third part of this work, the BtMV resistance gene Bm, which was described already 50 years ago, was investigated using the newly developed full-length cDNA clones, as the gene has not yet been used in current sugar beet hybrids. For the first time, it could be shown that the virus levels in plants carrying the Bm gene are significantly reduced compared to the susceptible control. Likewise, symptom expression is influenced in Bm plants and microscopic examinations indicate a slowed virus spread. Thus, the Bm gene was found to remain an effective way for BtMV control. In summary, for three out of four VY members (or associated viruses), potential control options for the future have been identified and discussed in this work. In addition, a molecular tool to support resistance breeding in sugar beet using the newly developed BvMYB1 reporter system is provided.
Keywords: recessive resistance; sugar beet; virus yellows disease; potyvirus; CRISRP/Cas; polerovirus; Beta vulgaris; eukaryotic translation initiation factor; infectious cDNA clone; BvMYB1; Caryophyllales; betalain biosynthesis; virus tracking; beet mosaic virus; beet mild yellowing virus; beet chlorosis virus