Sensing and automatic scoring of sugar-beet fields by using UAV-imagery systems for disease quantification
Cumulative thesis
Date of Examination:2024-01-30
Date of issue:2024-04-19
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Anne-Katrin Mahlein
Referee:Prof. Dr. Frank Beneke
Referee:Prof. Dr. Mark Varrelmann
Referee:Prof. Dr. Uwe Rascher
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Cercospora leaf spot (CLS) in sugar beet is a damaging leaf disease caused by the fungal pathogen Cercospora beticola Sacc. This disease leads to substantial yield diminishment, and its management poses a challenge owing to rapid sporulation and high genetic variability. Integrated pest management strategies, including cultural practices, cultivar resistance, and fungicide management, are used to mitigate the disease. Disease intensity evaluation plays a crucial role in plant breeding for resistance screening and in agricultural practice for guiding control measures. The use of optical sensor technology and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) with multispectral or hyperspectral cameras provides a novel alternative to human-based disease assessment. These sensors capture reflected light in multiple wavelength bands, allowing high spatial resolution imaging with spectral information. Machine and deep learning techniques are utilized to analyze multispectral UAV images and extract relevant disease assessment information. The combination of multispectral UAV data and machine learning approaches holds great promise for assessing parameters such as disease incidence (DI) and disease severity (DS) as a basis for decision-making. This thesis focuses on using RGB and multispectral imaging sensor technologies, UAVs, and machine learning to monitor and assess CLS in sugar beet. Two main application scenarios were investigated: evaluating tolerance and resistance in variety trials, and assessing parameters for decision-making in integrated CLS control in agricultural practice. The results of this dissertation recommended utilizing multispectral UAV systems for evaluating CLS resistance, particularly through an image-based and pixel-wise quantification of healthy foliage and soil regions. The close association between healthy foliage and yield outcomes emphasizes the importance of the proposed pixel-wise methods in breeding procedures. Furthermore, the identification and standardization of image-based scoring units are crucial for crop protection. Accurate detection of diseased specimens is essential for efficient site-specific disease management. In the present work, machine learning models were adapted and developed to detect DI and DS parameters with high accuracy. Procedures considering plant, circle, and leaf scoring units were incorporated to optimize decision-making. However, limitations in spatial resolution and nadir UAV-perspective, as well as challenges in discriminating diseased tissue from bare soil under certain light conditions, may impact the sensitivity for detecting first symptoms of disease. Curative site-specific fungicide application and generation of multidisease application maps are potential future developments. Overall, the dissertation demonstrates the potential of multispectral UAV-based methodologies for advancing disease resistance breeding and precise disease control, offering valuable applications in practical agriculture for integrated control of CLS. The knowledge gained from studying Cercospora beticola Sacc. and sugar beet can be transferred to other relevant sugar beet diseases such as Powdery mildew, Rust, and virus yellows using the established UAV-based assessment pipeline.
Keywords: Deep learning; FCN; UAV; Sugar beet; Cercospora beticola; Disease incidence; Disease severity; Automatic scoring; Mask R-CNN; Plant disease; Leaf segmentation