Das Onkoprotein Mdm4 und seine Wirkung auf die DNA-Replikation
by Kai Wohlberedt
Date of Examination:2024-08-13
Date of issue:2024-08-05
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Matthias Dobbelstein
Referee:Prof. Dr. Matthias Dobbelstein
Referee:Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Heßmann
Referee:Prof. Dr. Ralf Dressel
Sponsor:Deutsche Krebshilfe
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The oncoprotein MDM4, together with its family member MDM2, is one of the most important regulators of the tumor suppressor p53. This study demonstrates that loss of MDM4 in p53-deficient cells significantly compromises the progression and processivity of DNA replication forks. Concurrent depletion of MDM4 and MDM2 exacerbated replication defects, while overexpression of either MDM-protein partially compensated for the loss of the other. However, cell proliferation was only minimally affected by MDM4 depletion due to compensatory firing of replication origins. Mechanistically, MDM4 interacts with Polycomb Repressor Complexes and prevents conflicts between replication and transcription. Notably, MDM4 depletion sensitizes p53−/− cells to the nucleoside analog gemcitabine, suggesting a potential use of MDM4 inhibitors as chemosensitizers and a therapeutic rationale beyond p53 reactivation.
Keywords: p53; Mdm4; Mdm2; DNA-replication; oncogene