Investigation of Cells and Cellular Components with X-Rays in Liquid Sample Environments
by Jan-Philipp Burchert
Date of Examination:2024-04-12
Date of issue:2024-08-07
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Sarah Köster
Referee:Prof. Dr. Sarah Köster
Referee:Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kruss
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Due to their short wavelength, X-rays offer a high spatial resolution and a high ability to penetrate soft condensed matter. Therefore, X-rays are well-suited for investigating structures and structural changes in in-vitro systems as well as in intact biological cells and tissues. For such investigations, suitable sample environments need to be developed and used to avoid effects from surfaces or sample preparation. The applied sample environments need be compatible with both the sample under investigation and the X-ray radiation. In this thesis, we use small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and fluorescence microscopy to investigate the assembly behavior of the muscle protein desmin into filaments in 2 mM MOPS buffer and at different KCl concentrations. Human and mouse desmin show the same assembly behavior with an optimal salt concentration of 40-50 mM KCl. The corresponding radius of gyration is approximately 5 nm. Filaments are observed in mixtures of human wild-type desmin and less than 50% of its mutant R406W; no filament formation is found above 70% R406W. To study intact cells in continuous flow, we present an X-ray compatible microfluidic chip consisting of PDMS and a capillary, which serves as both a sample delivery system and a measurement environment. As a proof-of-concept, we investigate chemically fixed bovine red blood cells (RBCs) with this device and SAXS. The comparison of the measurement results with data from established static measurement methods shows a high level of agreement and thus the reliability of the set-up for measuring cells in continuous flow. In addition, the radius of the protein hemoglobin within the RBCs is determined by fitting a hard-sphere model with screened Coulomb interactions to the data. To examine individual cells in solution with X-rays, we combine X-ray phase-contrast imaging with an X-ray compatible optical stretcher (OS) and a microfluidic sample delivery system. With this setup, individual cells can be trapped in solution and simultaneously measured with the X-ray beam. We successfully test this method on living as well as fixed and stained NIH3T3 mouse fibroblasts. Despite the need for further improvement of the staining procedure for single cells, it increases the visibility of the cell outlines and partially of the cell nuclei. A photon energy of 9.9 keV should be preferred to a photon energy of 13.8 keV for these measurements. Furthermore, rotating the cell in the OS during the acquisition enables tomography. With the help of BaSO4 markers, an algebraic 3D reconstruction scheme, and a dedicated mathematical description of the movement of the cells in the optical stretcher, we are able to calculate a 3D reconstruction. In principle, future experiments with the PDMS-capillary chip and the OS can also be used to exert forces and investigate their effects on the cell. The presented experiments show how different X-ray-based investigation methods and sample environments can be successfully combined to investigate protein conformations in chemical environments, cells in continuous flow or individual cells without the need to use surfaces or complex sample preparations.
Keywords: desmin; red blood cells; small-angle X-ray scattering; microfluidics; optical stretcher; X-ray phase-contrast tomography; cells in flow; biological cells; X-ray stain