Spatial and temporal fine root distribution growth of European beech, Norway spruce, and Douglas-fir in pure and mixed stands with beech under different site conditions
von Amani Saul Lwila
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2023-12-01
Betreuer:Prof. Dr. Christian Ammer
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Christian Ammer
Gutachter:Prof. Dr. Dirk Hölscher
Gutachter:Dr. Martina Mund
Description:PhD Thesis
The major challenge of forest management globally is to manage forests in such a way that aspects of wood production and forest conservation are combined in order to have pro-ductive and stable forests that continuously provide multiple ecosystem goods and ser-vices. As a result of climate change, dry periods during summer are expected to occur more frequently and with higher intensity. The evaporative demand for forests will in-crease, increasing stress and leading to forest decline. In Europe, the evidence for climate change and its severe impacts on forest ecosystems has prompted intense research on the physiological nature of drought-induced forest decline and tree mortality. However, the knowledge of physiological and morphological drought avoidance and tolerance mecha-nisms, which are crucial for forestry planning and management, still needs to be complet-ed. Indeed, a more comprehensive understanding of how species mixtures affect ecosys-tem functions and how different species or species mixtures will respond to future climate change is urgently needed, i.e., topics such as how species identity and diversity affect below-ground root dynamics. Spatial differentiation of roots in mixed stands could result in a more complementary use of water and thus reduced drought stress or a redistribution of water from deeper to upper soil layers by hydraulic lift. Spatial root differentiation may benefit those species whose roots seem to be displaced to the upper soil layers, like Nor-way spruce (Picea abies) or Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) in mixtures with Europe-an beech (Fagus sylvatica). However, little is known about the spatial stratification of root production and water uptake of Douglas-fir in mixtures with European beech. This thesis focuses on determining differences in fine root dynamics, stem growth, and above-belowground relationships of matured European beech, Norway spruce, and Doug-las-fir in pure and mixed stands with beech in two regions of Northern Germany differing in site conditions. By disentangling soil and species identity effects, we will be able to understand the niche complementarity of the root systems of coexisting tree species as a strategy to reduce drought water stress. The essential methods that were used in this study were: (1) fine root inventories in 20 stands, (2) repeated fine root sampling conducted monthly throughout the growing season and between single tree pairs that represent zones of high interactions between distinct individual trees of the same or different species, and, (3) microsatellites marker to identify the fine roots of individual trees of the same species, and (4) automatic high-resolution circumference dendrometers to quantify stem growth throughout the same period as fine root growth. We tested the hypotheses that (i) beech as well as the two studied conifers have more fine root growth under unfavorable than under favorable site conditions, (ii) beech responds more strongly to site conditions than the two conifers; (iii) all species have greater fine root growth in mixed stands than in monospe-cific stands. We found that site conditions were much more important than species identity for fine root dynamics. Species identity, i.e., the share of beech, was the second explanatory factor on the poor but not on the rich sites. Interaction between site conditions and species iden-tity was the third additional explanatory factor, at which a high belowground plasticity of European beech compared to the two conifers was found on the poorer sites. No overy-ielding was observed when fine root productivity was plotted against area potentially available (APA), nor were mortality or turnover. However, a mixing effect was observed at specific soil depths for fine root productivity for both species’ mixtures. Fine root productivity decreased with increasing soil depth, with the exception of beech in mixed stand. During the growing season from March to September 2019, the average monthly beech wood and root growth showed distinct seasonality for all trees, with no site condi-tion and stand type effect on these patterns. Fine root overlap between neighbouring trees varied independently of the distance to the target trees, suggesting no root territoriality or segregation in European beech stands. Finally, above and belowground growth of beech were negatively correlated at the regional level. Generally, in this thesis, I conclude that site conditions and species identity rather than species mixture are essential in explaining fine root dynamics and that increasing tree spe-cies diversity may not guarantee higher belowground productivity. The observed high belowground plasticity of beech in this thesis, suggests that this species has a high poten-tial to adapt to climate change and to maintain its competitiveness even in a mixture with the highly productive non-native Douglas-fi. In the face of climate change and the demand for wood as a natural and renewable resource, an admixture of Douglas-fir to pure Euro-pean beech stands seems to be a reasonable alternative to an admixture of spruce, a spe-cies that is already seriously suffering by drought and bark beetle attacks. More studies are needed to understand how differences in fine root dynamics in the stand types studied here correspond with differences in key ecosystem processes such as water uptake, tran-spiration, and tree growth and, thus, the overall water use efficiency and drought re-sistance of the studied species.
Keywords: Mixed forests; Below ground overyielding; Belowground territoriality; Species identity; trade-off; cost-benefit ratio; Stem growth