Vergleich der einseitigen und zweiseitigen Osteotomie im osteoporotischen Rattenmodell
by Jens Fiebig
Date of Examination:2024-09-18
Date of issue:2024-09-06
Advisor:PD Dr. Daniel Hoffmann
Referee:Prof. Dr. Holger Reichardt
Referee:Prof. Dr. Jörg Wilting
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The aim of this work was to heal a unilateral (UL) with bilateral (BL) osteotomy in the osteoporotic rat model. The assumption was that a UL osteotomy would result in an uneven Stress on the limbs occurs and this negatively affects bone healing is influenced. In contrast, a BL osteotomized animal would not have the option so to relieve. Here there would be a mechanical load on both osteotomized limbs. Furthermore, it was examined whether there is in the BL Group experienced a higher level of stress due to the bilateral osteotomies a unilateral osteotomy occurs. The pain burden of the two groups was therefore included in the observations.
Keywords: Rat Model; Osteoporosis; Bilateral osteotomy; unilateral osteotomy; behaviour