Untersuchung der Assoziation zwischen Dopplerkurvencharakteristika der extrakraniellen, hirnversorgenden Gefäße und Aortenklappenvitien
von Lara Wilde
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2024-10-09
Betreuer:PD Dr. Ilko Maier
Gutachter:PD Dr. Ilko Maier
Gutachter:PD Dr. Mark Hünlich
Stroke is a common illness, particularly among older people, and in times of demographic change causes high costs for the healthcare system. A common risk factor for a stroke is thromboembolism, which can arise, for example, due to changes in flow through cardiac vitals. In studies with small groups of patients from 1996, 2004 and 2014, a connection was suspected between flow changes in Doppler sonography of the extracranial brain-supplying arteries and cardiac vitiums. Characteristic features of Doppler sonography were also described there. Based on this study situation, the aim of this work was formulated to prove the suspected connection using a significantly larger group of patients. Furthermore, a prediction probability for the individual flow image characteristics should be examined. The evaluation showed that the flow feature 'tp' reliably detects aortic valve stenosis. There are four typical flow changes in Doppler sonography for aortic valve insufficiency, of which the features 'dn' and 'bis' are best suited for detecting aortic valve insufficiency. In contrast to patients with aortic valve stenosis, Doppler sonographic changes in the carotid arteries occur less frequently in patients with aortic valve insufficiency and only with higher degrees of insufficiency. Due to the multiple previous cardiovascular diseases in the patient group considered here, the results cannot be transferred to a healthy overall population. However, it can be stated that Doppler sonography of the extracranial vessels supplying the brain in patients with an increased cardiovascular risk profile allows a prediction as to whether there is an increased risk of vitiums and whether additional cardiological treatment is indicated. The targeted recognition of a vitium as the cause of thromboembolism should prevent the occurrence of a stroke.
Keywords: ischemic stroke; doppler sonography