Studie zum aktuellen Stand der intersektoralen Zusammenarbeit – Eine Umfrage zur Perspektive der niedergelassenen Ärztinnen und Ärzten in Deutschland
von Tim Peter Epperlein
Datum der mündl. Prüfung:2024-09-10
Betreuer:PD Dr Reiner M. Wäschle
Gutachter:PD Dr Reiner M. Wäschle
Gutachter:PD Dr Johannes Heman Jürgen Hauswaldt
Name:240906 Dissertationsentwurf Tim Epperlein.pdf
Intersectoral cooperation in the health care system at the interfaces between the ambulatory and hospital sectors is of great importance for patient health. For example, poor or delayed communication at discharge increases the risk of poor patient care. Good communication in this area also avoids unnecessary or duplicated investigations due to overlapping sectors and thus under- or over-care. This interface is also an important economic factor for hospitals. A national survey of the opinions of referring physicians has not yet been conducted in Germany, so this survey asked office-based physicians in Germany about their experiences and perspectives on collaboration with university hospitals. An online questionnaire with 41 questions was sent to 83,235 physicians in private practice across Germany in 2019. Three automated electronic reminders were sent every four weeks to respondents on the mailing list who had not yet participated. Data collection was completed in August 2019, by which time 1295 questionnaires had been completed. The main findings of this survey are that more than two-thirds of respondents were satisfied with intersectoral collaboration overall, although a large proportion still felt that collaboration could be significantly improved. Treatment outcomes and quality were also rated positively, as was the professional competence of the clinicians with whom respondents had contact. Repeated points of criticism and starting points for improvement were the waiting time for the discharge letter, which was previously given as an average of 4 weeks, an improvement in communication along the interface regarding therapies across the interface, improved accessibility of clinicians and fixed contact persons. An improvement in human cooperation and communication at eye level was repeatedly mentioned. The improvement of IT-supported communication was also repeatedly mentioned. Regular surveys of referring physicians by hospitals offer further potential for improvement. This is currently only done to a very limited extent and, from the referring physicians' point of view, the surveys are carried out by the head or senior physicians of the department. Recommended measures derived from this survey include improved telephone availability of departments, e.g. through special service numbers or service telephones, or a coordinating secretariat for the regular daytime service. Contact persons should also be clearly identified. Consideration should also be given to setting up a referral portal through which doctors' letters and findings can be sent both by referring doctors (for admissions) and by the hospital (for discharges).
Keywords: cross-sectoral management; national survey; general practitioner; hospital improvement; germany; university hospital
Schlagwörter: intersektorale Zusammenarbeit; Einweisermanagement; Einweiserzufriedenheit; Umfrage; bundesweit; Deutschland; Universitätskliniken