Inter and intra-specific interaction effects on individual tree architecture and stand structure, and consequences for ecosystem functions in mixed forests
Doctoral thesis
Date of Examination:2024-07-24
Date of issue:2024-09-27
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Dominik Seidel
Referee:Prof. Dr. Dominik Seidel
Referee:Prof. Dr. Kerstin Wiegand
Referee:Dr. Mélaine Aubry-Kientz
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Central Europe is predicted to experience an increase in temperatures and storm frequency and intensity, which will impact forest ecosystems directly and in interaction. European forests host a large share of Europe’s biodiversity, although the long management history has altered the initial tree species composition, resulting in an increase of the proportion of conifers, often planted outside their natural range or non-native. Disturbances of the forest ecosystems can be observed through the extensive diebacks of Norway spruce (Picea abies) in central Europe or the decrease in vitality and expansion zone of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) in the south of Europe. With the aim of preserving forest ecosystems and adapting them to future climate conditions, forest management practices fostering diversity, in terms of tree species, age and structures have been promoted. Indeed, evidence showed mixed-species temperate forests to be more resistant to abiotic and biotic stresses, as well as being in some cases more productive than monocultures. Diversity of structure, however, with its drivers and effects, has been less researched and limited by traditional methodology. In recent years, an increasing variety of digital tools has been developed, allowing for a comprehensive assessment of tree structural traits. This thesis focuses on the effects of admixing European beech with Norway spruce and non-native Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) in forests of central Europe. Through the study of individual tree architecture and stand structure, I investigated the effect of mixture on tree and ecosystem functions. Indeed, the architecture of a given tree determines the performance of the different biological functions, while being the result of trade-offs between these different functions. Architecture is shaped by competition from neighbours and resource availability at organ and organism scale, regulating the biomass allocation and growing patterns. I used photogrammetry and a topology reconstruction software to map the architecture of juvenile European beech trees grown in a common garden experiment, either in monospecific pots, or mixed with Douglas fir or Norway spruce (Chapter 2). Looking at a wide range of architectural traits in relation to competition intensity and competitor identity, I found that tree social status influenced biomass absolute values but also its partitioning, with more biomass allocated to branches at the expense of the stem for overtopped trees. However, if the competitor was allospecific, the stem volume and slenderness increased. This suggests that the decrease in apical control observed on overtopped trees is modulated by species identity and the effect of mixture on growth can be attributed to intrinsic effects of species identity rather than to competition release. Canopy structure of a stand results from the spatial arrangement of the tree crowns and their architectures and will influence several ecosystem processes. The advent of LiDAR (Light detection and ranging) and MLS (Mobile laser scanning) enabled the three-dimensional description of tree and canopy structural traits. Storms are complex stochastic processes occurring at landscape scale; however wind gusts are built at small spatial scale and tree movement is a function of its mechanical characteristics. I observed the effect of individual tree architectural traits, stand structure and species mixture on storm damage by comparing pre- and post- storm laser scans (Chapter 3). I found that most of the damages consisted in stem deformation and changes in tilt angle, a proxy for tree anchorage. For beech and Norway spruce, the most important drivers of instability were stem traits, while for Douglas fir crown traits were more important. Canopy rugosity had a significant stabilizing effect on beech and Douglas fir stands. Arthropods are a key component of biodiversity, representing a species-rich phylum and supporting higher trophic levels. In forests, canopy represents an important resource and habitat for the canopy- dwelling arthropods. However, the tedious measurement of canopy structure and arthropod abundance hindered the quantification of the relation between both. In addition to MLS, we used canopy fogging to collect arthropod on canopies of pure and mixed forest patches of Douglas fir, Norway spruce and European beech (Chapter 4). We found that structural heterogeneity, vertical layering of the vegetation and canopy gaps were strong positive drivers of arthropod abundance and ecological guild diversity, while vegetation volume and tree species identity were weak predictors. In my thesis, I developed and applied a variety of methods to digitally assess tree and stand structure, and their effects on ecosystem functions. The application to mixed forests of beech with Douglas fir and Norway spruce shows that they are not equivalent in their shaping of beech architecture. Likewise, mixture with beech impacts different conifer architectural traits, sometimes in opposite directions. However, these differences did not result in conservative differences in the structural diversity of the stand comprising mixtures of beech with conifers. Thus, I suggest that more than mixture, the characterization of stand structural diversity should be used to estimate the ecosystem functioning, as we showed that it was determinant in the response of individual trees to storm and shaped the composition and abundance of arthropod communities.
Keywords: LiDAR; Mobile Laser Scanner; Tree architecture; Plant interactions