Die Rolle der Östrogenrezeptoren, einschließlich des G-Protein-gekoppelten-Östrogenrezeptors, beim ERα- positiven Mammakarzinom unter Behandlung mit selektiven ERβ-Agonisten
by Hanna Schulz
Date of Examination:2024-11-06
Date of issue:2024-10-29
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Carsten Gründker
Referee:Prof. Dr. Dieter Kube
Referee:Prof. Dr. Margarete Schön
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The role of estrogen-receptors in breast cancer is an important topic regarding potential targeted therapies. This study investigates the effects of the estrogen-receptor-β-agonists Liquiritigenin and ERB-041 on estrogen-receptors, as their impact on viability-, invasion- and gap-closure-assay remains unclear. The treated cell lines are classified as the luminal A subtype. Contrary to our hypothesis, the treatments did not result in a decrease in cell viability or migration.
Keywords: breast cancer; estrogen-receptors