C*-algebras of relatively proper groupoid correspondences
by Celso Carvalho Antunes Junior
Date of Examination:2023-12-06
Date of issue:2024-12-09
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Ralf Meyer
Referee:Prof. Dr. Thomas Schick
Referee:Prof. Dr. Chenchang Zhu
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The objective of the work is to study C*-algebras associated to relatively proper groupoid correspondences, in particular exploring two constructions and proving that they are isomorphic. We also explore some properties of the resulting C*-algebra, describing it in terms of the initial data. Many interesting examples of C*-algebras can be encoded by this data, like C*-algebras coming from topological graphs, self-similar groups and self-similar graphs.
Keywords: Groupoid correspondences; Groupoids; C*-algebras; Noncommutative geometry; Cuntz-Pimsner algebras