Stellenwert der Leberbiopsie zur Klärung der Ätiologie unklarer chronischer Leberwerterhöhung
by Antonia Louise Krämer
Date of Examination:2025-03-31
Date of issue:2025-01-31
Advisor:PD Dr. Golo Petzold
Referee:Prof. Dr. Felix Bremmer
Referee:Prof. Dr. Dieter Kube
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Name:Krämer_Antonia_Dissertation_Abgabeversion SUB.pdf
This file will be freely accessible after 2025-04-28.
Elevated liver enzymes are common and require thorough investigation to enable timely treatment and prevent fibrosis progression. Advances in diagnostics have reduced the need for liver biopsies, but they remain valuable in unclear cases. This dissertation retrospectively analyzed clinical, serological, imaging, and histopathological data from 84 patients biopsied at UMG between 2015 and 2021 for chronically unclear elevated liver enzymes or cryptogenic cirrhosis. The aim was to evaluate diagnostic clarification rates and underlying causes.This study found that biopsies clarified the cause in under half of cases, influencing treatment particularly through immunosuppressive therapy and lifestyle changes. Clinical data lacked predictive value for etiological clarification, likely due to heterogeneity among diagnostic groups and nonspecific predictors. Given the clarification rate, therapeutic impact, and complication rates within established reference values, liver biopsy remains a justified diagnostic tool for chronically unclear elevated liver enzymes.
Keywords: Liver biopsy; elevated liver enzymes