Analyse der Phagozytoseaktivität in humanem Vollblut gesunder Probanden unterschiedlicher Altersgruppen und an Clostridioides difficile-Enteritis erkrankter Patienten
by Kaya Sophie Heinen
Date of Examination:2025-02-19
Date of issue:2025-01-31
Advisor:Prof. Dr. Roland Nau
Referee:Prof. Dr. Roland Nau
Referee:Prof. Dr. Carsten Lüder
Referee:Prof. Dr. Margarete Schön
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This dissertation deals with the analysis of phagocytosis activity in human whole blood from healthy volunteers of different age groups and patients suffering from Clostridioides difficile enteritis. For this purpose, two assays were established to quantify phagocytosis activity by simulating bacteremia. It was shown that older test subjects had a limited ability to eliminate phagocytosed bacteria. In addition, we were able to show that people with Clostridioides difficile enteritis had significantly reduced phagocytosis activity compared to subjects adjusted for age and gender. In a further experiment, we used flow cytometry to demonstrate the dependence of phagocytosis activity - including that of leukocyte subpopulations - on the concentration of the bacteria to be phagocytosed. Clear differences between young and old test subjects could not be demonstrated here. With advancing age and the associated increased susceptibility to infectious diseases, the limitations of the innate immune defense increase. An analysis of the limited abilities may provide options for treatment in the future.
Keywords: phagocytosis; Clostridioides difficile; immune system; immunosenescence