Browsing Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät by Title
Now showing items 156-175 of 314
Ideas are Craftwork Development of an Innovation Training Course and its Evaluation with female and male Journeymen
(2018-07-03)This doctoral dissertation is comprised of three autonomous studies all aiming at answering the research question of “Which ideation techniques enhance the idea quality in idea generation?”. A systematic literature review ... -
Information Asymmetries and the Role of Information Intermediaries on Capital Markets
(2022-10-10)Information asymmetries are common characteristics of the relationship between investors and the management of a firm. These asymmetries can lead to inefficient resource allocation and welfare losses. This thesis aims to ... -
Innovation and experts
(2016-03-03)Experts have been discussed in the literature concerning the role of transferring knowledge to client firms and private customers. Nevertheless, only limited evidence has been presented concerning the clients’ internal ... -
Institutional Designs of Public Goods in the Context of Cultural Property
(2014-02-14)The dissertation is divided in two parts. The first part examines the case of how traditional cultural expressions (TCEs) can be protected by formal institutions of collective property rights against unauthorized use by ... -
Institutions, Incentives and Local Policies
(2009-10-27)At the core of this book are theoretical and empirical analyses of how local policies are shaped by the incentives that various institutions in education and media markets create for economic ... -
Intangible Costs of Data Breach Events
(2018-01-10)The intangible costs of data breach events encompass for instance the loss of investor confidence, reputational damage and loss of competitive advantage. Yet, existing literature sheds light on this phenomenon only to a ... -
Die internationale Regulierung geistiger Eigentumsrechte und ihr Einfluss auf den Wissenserwerb in Entwicklungsländern
(2005-10-25)The TRIPS-Agreement under the umbrella of the World Trade Organization (WTO) forms a cornerstone in the international regulation of intellectual property rights protection. The agreement ... -
Internationalization of Firms: Antecedents, Speed, and Performance Implications
(2017-04-03)The thesis by publication contains three papers and addresses shortcomings in existing literature on internationalization processes of multinational enterprises and international new ventures (INVs). Special focus is given ... -
Internetbasierte Lehr-/Lernmethoden für die wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Hochschulausbildung
(2003-01-23)Vor dem Hintergrund der gesellschaftlichen Veränderungen, welche in hohem Maße auf das Aufkommen der neuen Informations-und Kommunikationstechnologien (IuKT) und insbesondere der Internettechnologie zurückzuführen sind, ... -
Investigation of selected Controlling Instruments
(2024-11-14)In the dissertation, three controlling instruments were examined: methods for determining individual risk attitudes, remuneration systems and behaviour-oriented controls, which play important roles in a corporate context. ... -
Is de-carbonized development possible? Household emissions and renewable energy in developing countries
(2014-10-24)Today’s policy makers are facing the challenge of mitigating climate change without limiting the growth potentials of developing countries. In this vein, this study offers a step towards answering the question is de-carbonized ... -
Issues in the sustainability of microfinance
(2009-09-30)With increasing commercialization, the issues in the sustainability of microfinance have drawn much attention in recent times. However, very little is known about the critical role played ... -
It's Time: Poverty, Inequality and Sustainability beyond the Mean
(2022-03-08)Differences in time allocation enlighten patterns of gendered poverty. This thesis disentangles the interlinked nature of deprivations in leisure time and income as well as income inequality and carbon emissions. Regressions ... -
“I’m just well nourished” A study on Overweight and Obesity in Developing Countries
(2016-02-25)The purpose of this dissertation is to address policy makers to change the way they think about increasing obesity rates. So far the discussion revolves around increasing incomes and imposing taxes on high fat food, despite ... -
Kapitalrationierung am deutschen Aktiensekundärmarkt
(2002-04-02)Concerning turnover and market-capitalization German secondary equity market is strongly fragmented. There is a general shortage of supply for equity in segments of small and medium capitalized ... -
Key Labour Market Issues and Decent Work in Developing and Emerging Countries
(2020-08-18)This dissertation addresses key labour market issues and decent work in developing and emerging countries, and is comprised of four stand-alone research articles. The first article discusses the conceptual considerations ... -
Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen mit Besonderheiten? – Beiträge zur Mittelstandsforschung an den Beispielen von Innovation und Konjunktur
(2012-04-11)This doctoral thesis is concerned with research into small and medium enterprises (SMEs). It consists of four essays on the specific roles of smaller firms in the fields of innovation and the business cycle. The first three ... -
Knowledge intermediaries in regional innovation systems
(2025-01-07)The constituent papers of this cumulative dissertation contribute to the scholarly debate and thus the understanding of knowledge intermediaries in regional innovation systems. The recursive transfer of knowledge between ... -
Komplexität im Unternehmensplanspiel
(2003-04-01)The interaction between business game players and business games is a simulation of an interaction with the complex system of an enterprise. Typically the player has the feeling of being ... -
Konstruktbasierte Bestimmung domänenorientierter komplexer Problemlösefähigkeit mit Komplexen Standardisierten Itemsequenzen
(2024-02-21)Die Fähigkeit, komplexe Probleme zu lösen, hat als Forschungsgegenstand in den vergangenen Jahren merklich das Interesse der Erziehungswissenschaften auf sich gezogen. Auch in ihrer Ausformung zur Kompetenz gilt sie als ...