Browsing Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät by Title
Now showing items 216-235 of 313
Partial Least Squares and Principal Component Analysis with Non-metric Variables for Composite Indices
(2015-08-28)A composite index is an aggregated variable comprising individual indicators and weights that commonly represent the relative importance of each indicator. Composite indices are often used to measure latent phenomena or ... -
Path-dependent Risk Measures - Theory and Applications
(2021-01-22)This dissertation addresses various key aspects in risk measurement with path-dependent risk measures. In contrast to most classical risk measures like value-at-risk, (semi-)variance, expected shortfall, or lower partial ... -
Political Determinants of Foreign Aid and International Trade
(2012-09-27)This rise of emerging economies is visible in international development cooperation and international trade. Aid contributions from donor countries operating outside of the established group of the OECD’s Development ... -
Political Economy in a globalized world
(2015-06-12)This cumulative dissertation contains three papers. I. Geopolitics, Aid and Growth. We investigate the effects of short-term political motivations on the effectiveness of foreign aid. Specifically, we test whether the ... -
Portfolio Strategies with Classical and Alternative Benchmarks
(2018-07-19)This dissertation addresses different key elements in portfolio management. It intends to improve and analyze influences on portfolio strategies and their performance. Likewise, it aims at the systematization and extension ... -
Poverty and Vulnerability in Vietnam
(2013-10-23)Since doi moi, Vietnam has made remarkable achievements in many frontiers. However, much effort needs to be done to further improve social and economic sectors, particularly in the context of increasing the number of ... -
Poverty, Inequality and the Decarbonization of Economic Development
(2017-01-13)Low and middle income countries are responsible for more than two thirds of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Although climate stabilization is now impossible without effective climate mitigation policies in developing ... -
Poverty, social mobility, and the middle class: The case of South Africa
(2018-10-24)The wave of upbeat stories on the developing world's emerging middle class has reinvigorated a debate on how social class in general and the middle class in particular ought to be defined and empirically measured. With the ... -
Products consisting of materials based on renewable resources: Drivers of purchase intention, consumers' information needs and target groups
(2015-05-20)This thesis is about consumer acceptance of products consisting of materials which are based on renewable resources. The focus is on wood-based materials, including solid wood but also by-products and wood waste, as only ... -
Promises and Perils of Globalization
(2019-02-11)Chapter 1 investigates the role of globalized flows of finance (development aid) and goods (trade). Both factors are of international character and relate to the global perspective. Thus, we choose macro lenses and combine ... -
Prozeßverbesserung der Projektorganisation
(2001-09-06)In this scientific paper we describe from our point of view, a basis for an efficient and flexible concept that we call "Planungsinselkonzept" (PIK). This concept is based on project ... -
Quality Assurance Systems in the Agri-Food Chain
(2008-05-30)Food quality and security management systems represent one of the major challenges for the European agri-food chain. The BSE crisis and the agricultural chain ( Agrarwende ) as well as ... -
Quantification of Potential Ecological Impacts of Road Transport
(2014-07-28)Throughout the world land use and fragmentation are among the major causes of the de-struction of habitats and the resulting loss of biological diversity. Road use in general and road haulage in particular significantly ... -
Rationalität und Qualität von Wirtschaftsprognosen
(2015-05-19)Economic forecasts are utilized to decrease uncertainty relating to planning processes of companies and governments. Empirical research shows evidence that the level of forecast quality is generally rather poor. In order ... -
References and Preferences: New insights in food decision making
(2015-03-18)Consumers’ food preferences have led to a worldwide overweight rate of 35% in 2008. It is a matter of fact that overweight is closely linked to unhealthy eating habits. Most existing nutrition labels contain reference ... -
Reflections on Text Mining Approaches in Corporate Failure Prediction based on German Financial Statements
(2023-05-05)The field of corporate risk assessment is in a state of flux due to society's increased expectations of statistical methods, which are classified as part of the field of machine learning. While in earlier times multivariate ... -
Regional integration processes: Four studies about convergence, growth and monitoring tools
(2010-07-15)Since the end of the Cold War the number of free trade and preferential partnership agreements has been increasing worldwide. A large part of these treaties are made between developing- and ... -
Regulation of Disclosure and Corporate Governance: An Empirical Investigation of Economic Consequences
(2016-11-10)The level of regulation of disclosure and corporate governance on the national and supranational level has increased substantially in the last decade. With that in mind, and in the light of the demand for evidence-based ... -
Reporting by Non-Listed Companies on Corporate Social Responsibility
(2024-01-30)In the first study, I empirically investigate the association between ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ (CSR) preferences of external and internal non-shareholder stakeholders and mandatory CSR reporting in a setting of ... -
Responsible Consumer Behavior in the Digital Age
(2022-09-22)In recent years, consumers have become more sensitive to the social, economic, and environmental consequences of their market choices. More and more consumers vocally oppose socially irresponsible production patterns and ...