Browsing Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät by Title
Now showing items 133-152 of 313
Estimating and evaluating mixed and semiparametric models with statistical and deep learning methods
(2023-09-11)Semiparametric models are well-established, versatile and effective statistical models for analysing complex data by combining both parametric and non-parametric components and are used in a wide range of applications and ... -
Estimating impact in empirical microeconomics: Two applications for the case of Tajikistan and a simulation study
(2013-02-07)The three chapters of this dissertation all deal with some aspect ofquantitative impact evaluation in a microeconomic context. The first chapter investigates the effects of labor migration from Tajikistan on household ... -
Estimation and Inference in Special Nonparametric Models with Applications to Topics in Development Economics
(2012-07-04)Semiparametric additive regression models relax the common assumption of covariate effects to have a known functional form specified by some polynomial. These models only assume that relationships are smooth and are ... -
Europäische Rechnungslegungsharmonisierung: Vergleichende Analyse zwischen Finnland und Deutschland
(2003-06-25)Finnish accounting standards and practice are hardly known to the German public. Therefore, Finnish accounting tradition and today's standard setters and accounting law are presented to the ... -
Everyday Decision Making: A Theoretical and Empirical Study
(2017-04-24)The thesis „Everyday Decision Making: A Theoretical and Empirical Study“ analyzes the individuals' decision-making and the role of institutions in creating incentives and influencing individuals' choices. The first part ... -
Extending the Boosting Framework based on Bayesian Methodology
(2023-03-31)The boosting technique emerged from machine learning has become a widely used method to estimate statistical models. As one of the most successful variants, componentwise gradient boosting has been favored by more and more ... -
Financial Market Actors: Cognitive Biases, Portfolio Diversification and Forecasting Ability
(2019-05-10)For investments in the capital markets, portfolio theory (Markowitz, 1952) plays a significant role and continues to form an important basis for decisions on the structuring of investment portfolios. For risk-averse ... -
Firm dynamics and regional development in Indonesia
(2022-01-25)Like all economic actors, firms continuously need to adjust to changes of the environment they are operating in. Since firms do not only produce goods or provide services, but also act on the demand side of input factors ... -
Firm Risk and Ambiguity: The Role of Management and the Board
(2021-07-27)This dissertation is fundamentally concerned with the question of how management and the board of directors influence the uncertainty—that is, both risk and ambiguity—of a corporation. Interest in this question stems from ... -
Five Essays in Experimental Economics
(2021-06-10)This dissertation consists of five essays contributing to a better understanding of three fundamental lines of research in behavioral economics: trust and cooperation in social interactions, gender discrimination, and ... -
Floods in Southeast Asia: A Household Welfare Priority
(2019-05-29)The dissertation focuses on floods in Vietnam and Thailand using a long-time measurement of household welfare, combined with an external flood indicator, which is a measure of local inundation by using satellite floodwater ... -
Four Essays in Experimental Economics
(2015-03-03)The first essay “Informational Asymmetries in Laboratory Asset Markets with State-Dependent Fundamentals” investigates the formation of market prices in a new experimental setting involving multi-period call-auction asset ... -
Four Essays on Health and Nutrition of Indian Women and Children
(2022-10-05)This cumulative doctoral thesis consists of four research manuscripts (hereafter essays). Essay 1: Using a nationally representative dataset for India, this study sets up a quasi-experimental study design – instrumental ... -
Förderung von Belastungs-Beanspruchungs-Bewältigung bei Auszubildenden in der Pflege
(2023-06-02)The nursing profession is characterized by a particularly high stress level. This in turn has an impact on the quality of care and the retention of nurses. Against the backdrop of an aging society and the resulting increasing ... -
From Bonded Laborers to Educated Citizens? Immigration, Labor Markets, and Human Capital in São Paulo, Brazil (1820-2010)
(2019-05-23)The thesis studies the consequences of the Age of Mass Migration (1820-1920) for the socioeconomic development of the province/state of São Paulo, Brazil, in the short and long run. The determinants of immigration and the ... -
From Secondary School to the Labor Market in Colombia: Turning Barriers into Building Blocks
(2024-02-29)The System for the Prevention and Analysis of School Dropouts in Higher Education (SPADIES) played a pivotal role in addressing the challenge of reducing drop-out rates in Colombian higher education, contributing to an ... -
Globaler Institutionenwandel und nachhaltige globale öffentliche Gütersicherung:Ausgewählte globale institutionelle Arrangements im Vergleich und globale Förderinstrumentempfehlung für grünen Energietechnologiewandel beispielsweise in Nigeria
(2013-06-25)Considering the nonexcludable and nonrival nature of the benefits of global public goods stretching intergenerationally across population groups und transnational borders it becomes logically inevitable to safeguard them ... -
Greening Consumption: Decoding the Influence of Vegan Label and 'Rescued' Claim
(2024-07-18)The global food system significantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, with animal-derived products and food waste representing two major factors. Reducing the consumption of animal-derived products and minimizing ... -
Growth, Carbon Dioxide Emissions, Climate and Wellbeing
(2013-08-29)The five essays of this dissertation combine topics from development and environmental economics. All essays treat the overall topic on how to influence and regulate the production of CO2 emissions. The green house gas CO2 ...