Browsing Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät by Referee "König, Wolfgang Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Bestimmungsgründe von Existenzgründungen im Handwerk unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des sozioökonomischen Ansatzes
(2003-04-09)Due to the pecularities of the crafts sector it seems that the common explanation pattern of start-up dynamics could not be applied to crafts start-ups. This work persues the questions what ... -
Einzelhandel und Konsumkultur
(2002-04-26)The increasing internationalization of retail formats leads to the question wheater there is a cultural and space specific relation between the on the one hand selected and realized concept ... -
Kapitalrationierung am deutschen Aktiensekundärmarkt
(2002-04-02)Concerning turnover and market-capitalization German secondary equity market is strongly fragmented. There is a general shortage of supply for equity in segments of small and medium capitalized ... -
Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen mit Besonderheiten? – Beiträge zur Mittelstandsforschung an den Beispielen von Innovation und Konjunktur
(2012-04-11)This doctoral thesis is concerned with research into small and medium enterprises (SMEs). It consists of four essays on the specific roles of smaller firms in the fields of innovation and the business cycle. The first three ... -
Die strategische Situation der Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie in Marokko
(2006-07-21)The main goal of the thesis is to explore the opportunities of doing foreign direct investment in the moroccan textile and clothing industry. Therefor the chances of such an investment will be discussed in the first ...