Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Mausberg, Rainer Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 1-20 of 177
Therapie der Charcot-Marie-Tooth-Krankheit bei Ratten mittels einer phospholipidreichen Ernährung
(2021-06-22)Among the hereditary neuropathies, CMT occurs most frequently with a prevalence of approximately 4 per 10,000, the largest subtype being CMT1A, which is classified as a demyelinating polyneuropathy. In view of the comparatively ... -
Wie entwickelt sich der studentische Leistungsstand hinsichtlich des Examensniveaus während der Teilnahme an semesterbegleitenden formativen Prüfungen?
(2021-05-26)An innovative teaching project #clue (cross-linked undergraduate education) has been established in the clinical phase of the human medicine curriculum at the Universitätsmedizin Göttingen (UMG). Here, students in clinical ... -
Identifizierung von neuen Komponenten oder Cargoes der COPI Vesikelhüll Maschinerie
(2021-03-26)Within the cell transport vesicles play an essential role in ensuring the functionality of the cell. The heptamere COPI is responsible for transport from the Golgi to the endoplasmic reticulum and also for transport between ... -
Anämien bei chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen und die mögliche Bedeutung von Erythropoetin (EPO) - Eine retrospektive Analyse des Göttinger mit Anti-TNF-alpha-Antikörpern behandelten Patientenkollektivs -
(2021-02-25)Anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) therapy has improved the medical treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), Crohn’s disease (CD), and ulcerative colitis (UC). The TNF-blocker Infliximab® is widely used as a effective ... -
Das Modell des partizipativen Kinderkrankenhauses - Systematische Analyse der Methoden der Partizipation in der stationären Versorgung von Kindern und Jugendlichen
(2021-02-22)The background of this doctoral thesis is the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was adopted in 1989. In addition to protection and care, children are granted the right to participation, or more precisely, the ... -
Radiomorphometrische Untersuchung der Knochenregeneration in vivo durch kombinierte Freisetzung von VEGF und BMP aus den PDLLA/CaCO3-Komposit-Scaffolds.
(2021-02-22)Bone regeneration of critical-size defects requires ideal release on time of growth factors. The aim of the present in vivo study on male Wistar rats was to improve bone regeneration in mandibular defects of critical-size ... -
Kombinatorische Analyse von Nanobody-markierten Epitopen zur Proteinbestimmung
(2021-02-05)The ability to identify and measure proteins is important in biological and medical research. It enables insights into the subcellular organizations and functions that rely on the collaboration and organization of thousands ... -
Das Einwachsverhalten von zylindrischen Implantaten aus einer porösen Ti-6Al-4V-Legierung in die Femurkondyle des Kaninchens
(2020-12-08)In endoprosthetics and implantology, permanent and secure implant anchoring is a decisive factor for successful treatment. The material used must be able to withstand permanent stress without deformation or material breakage. ... -
Methylprednisolon zur Behandlung des akuten Hörverlusts im Tiermodell: Eine doppelblinde placebokontrollierte Studie
(2020-11-27)Until today the pathogenesis of sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL) remains unclear. Consequently, the evidence for causal therapeutic options is unsatisfactory. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect ... -
Medikamentöse Defibrinogenierung zur Behandlung des akuten Hörverlustes – eine verblindete, placebokontrollierte In-vivo-Studie
(2020-11-26)Sudden hearing loss is one of the most common inner-ear diseases. The underlying pathomechanism is still not fully understood and most often it remains idiopathic. One of its discussed causes is the disturbance of cochlear ... -
Die anaplastische Lymphomkinase (ALK) im Fokus der genomischen Instabilität des Neuroblastoms: Funktionale und morphometrische Untersuchungen
(2020-11-13)Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) is a receptor tyrosine kinase belonging to the family of insulin receptors. It is considered to be a potential driver for the development of neuroblastoma, a complex and often therapy-resistant ... -
Etablierung einer objektiven Methode zur Festlegung der Stapediusreflexschwelle bei der Cochlea-Implantation
(2020-11-12)In cochlea implantation, assessment of the electrically evoked stapedius reflex threshold (eSRT) provides information for postoperative adjustment of the speech processor. To this day, the reflex is visually identified by ... -
Auswirkung der TLR4-Inhibition bei verschiedenen Applikationswegen im Modell des ischämischen Schlaganfalls
(2020-11-10)Stroke is one of the most common diseases today and one of the leading causes for physical and psychological disability. Except of the recanalisation therapies that have been established there are no other therapeutical ... -
Assoziationen zwischen der Einnahme oraler Kontrazeptiva und hämatologischen Parametern bei weiblichen Jugendlichen
(2020-09-08)In this post-hoc analysis, the influence of oral contraceptives on haematological parameters in n = 2775 female German adolescents aged between 13 and 17 years was examined. Data from the nationwide representative Child ... -
Nachweis und isoformspezifische Funktion von HMGB1-Protein im osteoarthritischen Knorpel und chondrogenen Progenitorzellen
(2020-07-06)Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common musculoskeletal disease in the elderly, characterized by painful aseptic inflammation, destruction of the joint surface and subchondral sclerosis. In late-stage OA, human articular cartilage ... -
Schichtenspezifische Charakterisierung von Parvalbumin-exprimierenden Neuronen im primären somatosensorischen Kortex der Maus
(2020-07-06)The neurons of the primary somatosensory cortex of the mouse can be divided into inhibitory and excitatory populations. The group of inhibitory interneurons, which comprise about 15-20% of the neurons, release the ... -
Untersuchung spezifischer Inhibitoren der PI3K-Signalkaskade zur Therapie des Lymphangioms
(2020-07-06)Lymphatic malformations (LM; lymphangiomas) are benign congenital malformation disorders of the lymphatic system and are characterized by cystic lymphatic enlargements. A distinction is made between the macrocystic, ... -
Der Einfluss von YWHAE auf das chondrogene Potenzial von chondrogenen Progenitorzellen
(2020-06-19)The goal of this thesis was to investigate the influence of YWHAE on the chondrogenic potential of chondrogenic progenitor cells (CPC). If it would be possible to enhance their chondrogenic potential, CPCs would be a ... -
Einfluss des Feuchtigkeitsgehalts des Wurzelkanaldentins auf die Entstehung und den Nachweis von Mikrorissen - Eine Mikro-Computertomografie-Studie
(2020-06-09)Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of moisture content of root canal dentin on detection of microcracks using micro-computed tomography. Methods: Ten roots with and without craze lines or cracks (each n = 5) ... -
Evaluation des Effektes einer neuartigen berührungsfreien turbulenzmindernden Pumpensteuerung zum Absaugen von Blut aus dem Operationsfeld bei Operationen mit Herz-Lungen-Maschine
(2020-03-31)The use of cardiotomy suction for surgeries with cardiopulmonary bypass enables retransfusion of the patient's own blood and ensures the surgeon's view. Cardiotomy suction can destroy blood components by various factors ...