Browsing Human- und Zahnmedizin by Referee "Mausberg, Rainer Prof. Dr."
Now showing items 21-40 of 177
Fokussierte transthorakale Echokardiographie bei Patienten mit akutem Koronarsyndrom (ACS) in der präklinischen Notfallmedizin
(2020-03-10)Cardiovascular diseases are among the leading causes of death in Germany. In the present study, the feasibility and validity of focused transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) in patients with NSTE-ACS in the preclinical ... -
Charakterisierung von positiven und negativen Prädiktoren für eine erfolgreiche Adipositastherapie im Kindes- und Jugendalter nach Abschluss der Behandlung
(2020-02-17)So far, success in the treatment of obesity in children and adolescents has been limited. This raises the question how current therapeutic concepts can be optimized. Consequently, it plays a key role to detect predictors ... -
Loss of BAF155 impairs neurogenesis in the developing olfactory system of mice
(2019-11-19)Neurogenesis is a core developmental process which comprises the maturation of neural stem cells to fully developed neurons. Former studies have provided evidence that in the neuronal development of the central nervous ... -
Die navigierte, schablonengeführte und endoskopisch-assistierte Entfernung von unteren dritten Molaren über einen okklusalen Zugang
(2019-10-14)A quality control of the surgical approach of the endoscopically assisted removal of mandibular third molars using an occlusal approach can result with the help of CBCT scans and surgical guides. -
Die Regulation des Sulfat-Anionen-Transporters-1, sat-1, in HepG2- Zellen in Abhängigkeit vom pH-Wert und von Bicarbonat
(2019-10-14)Sulfate is an essential component of the human organism and the fourth most abundant anion in the blood. It is involved in numerous metabolic processes like biosynthesis, synthesis of the extracellular matrix and the bone ... -
Paläopathologische Untersuchungen an prähistorischen Zähnen und Kieferfragmenten – ein Beitrag zur zahnmedizinisch-epidemiologischen Rekonstruktion einer neolithischen Population aus Erwitte-Schmerlecke (Soest, Galeriegrab I)
(2019-08-15)The present work is part of the DFG project "Genesis and structure of the Hessian-Westphalian megalithic using the example of the Soester group" within the framework of the DFG priority Program 1400 (SCHU 396/31 / 1-3). ... -
Onkologisches Ergebnis von Patienten mit Plattenepithelkarzinomen der Kopf-Hals-Region nach selektiver Neck Dissection in Abhängigkeit von operierten Lymphknotenregionen
(2019-08-15)Ninety per cent of all upper aerodigestive tract malignancies are squamous cell carcinomas. Therefor it is the 7th most frequently malignancy in relation to incidence and mortality. Most important for the patient’s prognosis ... -
Die DDR-1-knockout-Maus – ein neues Tiermodell für Osteoarthritis im Kiefergelenk
(2019-05-29)Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis is a not yet fully understood disease, although many patients are affected by it. For the investigation of the molecular biological and pathophysiological foundations leading to the ... -
Systematische radiographische Untersuchung von drei potentiellen Implantationslokalisationen für ein teilimplantiertes Knochenleitungshörsystem nach Mastoidchirurgie
(2019-04-24)The comparison of the three implantation localisations restrosigmoidal, parietal and mastoidal using a CT-assisted virtual implantation is especially useful in patients after previous mastoid surgery. The aim was to evaluate ... -
Isofluran oder Sevofluran zur Sedierung von beatmeten Patienten in der Intensivmedizin: Abhängigkeit der Leistungsfähigkeit des MIRUS-Applikationssystems von den Beatmungsparametern im Lungenmodell und im klinischen Kontext unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ökonomischer Aspekte
(2019-03-21)Topic of this doctoral thesis is the sedation of patients at the intensive care unit with volatile anesthetics via MIRUS. Special attention was paid to the consumption of the inhalative sedative during different ventilation ... -
Entwicklung und Evaluation einer photoablativen Technik zur räumlich hochauflösenden, selektiven Entfernung von Epithelien in Hühnerembryonen.
(2019-03-18)Background and objectives: In order to clarify the functional importance of tissue areas, microsurgery techniques are used in experimental embryology to remove the relevant tissue areas (eg, ectodermareales) . Traditional ... -
Therapeutisches Drug Monitoring von Immunsuppressiva: Vergleich intrazellulärer Konzentrationsmessungen mit Messungen in Vollblut
(2018-11-06)This doctoral thesis is optimization of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) after liver transplantation. After transplantation patients must receive continuous immunosuppression to prevent organ rejection. Besides glucocorticoids ... -
Schichtenspezifische Charakterisierung Somatostatin-exprimierender Interneurone in der GIN- und SOMcre/tdTomato-Maus mittels neurochemischer Marker im primären somatosensorischen Barrel-Kortex
(2018-11-02)Inhibitory GABAergic interneurons count about 20-30% of all cortical neurons which can be distinguished by their molecular, morphological and electrophysiological characteristics (Ascoli et al., 2008, Markram et al., 2004). ... -
Die präzise Ultrastruktur der Organellen der dendritischen Spines
(2018-11-01)The following work deals with the ultrastructure of dendritic spines. The presynaptic is a well-researched part of the brain, and functions and strutures within it are well known. The postsynapse, on the other hand, which ... -
Der immunhistochemische Nachweis von SMURF1 und SMURF2 im humanen osteoarthritischen Knorpel und Meniskus
(2018-10-29)Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative joint disease whose pathogenesis is still not fully understood. The study of signaling pathways in cartilage tissue and meniscus tissue, such as the transforming growth factor beta ... -
Extendierte adjuvante Chemotherapie mit Temozolomid in der Behandlung maligner Gliome - Eine retrospektive Datenanalyse zur Wirksamkeit und Hämatotoxizität im klinischen Alltag
(2018-09-03)To receive a control over the efficiency as well as the compatibility of an extended temozolomide therapy, a retrospective analysis of data has been conducted in the context of this research. The data has been obtained out ... -
Sekundär sklerosierende Cholangitis in kritisch kranken Patienten (SC-CIP) mit zerebraler Pathologie
(2018-08-31)There has been an increasing number of reports on critically ill patients with secondary sclerosing cholangitis (SC-CIP) during or after an ICU stay. The development of casts in the intrahepatic bile ducts, and pronounced ... -
Die Behandlung der kindlichen Skoliose bei spinaler Muskelatrophie mit extern zu kontrollierenden magnetischen Implantaten
(2018-08-07)Children suffering from type I- and II- spinal muscular atrophy develop severe spinal deformity at a very young age. Conservative methods are not accessible due to poor pulmonary function so that surgical interventions ... -
Skoliose-Therapie bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit dem MAGEC®(magnetic expansion control)-Spinalsystem in Kombination mit dem VEPTR (vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib)-Instrumentarium
(2018-07-27)The past decades have seen the increasing use of telescoping systems for the management of pediatric spinal deformities. The Vertical Expandable Prosthetic Titanium Rib (VEPTR) concept facilitates scoliosis therapy while ... -
Einfluss der kombinierten Freisetzung von rhBMP-2 und rhVEGF165 aus PDLLA/Calciumcarbonat-Gerüsten auf die In-vitro-Aktivität der Osteogenese und Angiogenese
(2018-05-28)The replacement of bony structures is part of the clinical routine of oral and maxillofacial surgery. The choice of method and substitute material depends on several factors: the current and long-term mechanical strength ...